View Full Version : Should I go or stay?

Adriana Mangus
08-09-2010, 10:22 PM
I don't know what to do.

Since I was told the cancer is now in the fourth rib, I have developed pain under and around the breast, and it radiates onto my back. Not all the time or all day long, but it's there. Also doc said a small amount of fluid was found in the lung. Can it turn into pneumonia? I'm scared.

The doc gave me his blessings and clearance to go on my vacation.

I don't know if I'm going to be ok the entire time, or if I will get easily tired walking, or going ashore on the excursions. On top of that I hear the weather is horrendous--humid and hot.

Now this....

1. One of the nurses hired to take care of Kent is sick with pneumonia and won't be able to work.

2. My daughter has had pain in her lower abdome, had chills and fever last nite.

3. If I do go on this vacation for 10 days, Kent will have to go to the Nurse's home for the entire lenght of my vacation--commuting issues were explained to me. I got it, but not Kent. He does not want to leave his house.

4. On top of that I just adopted a new maltese, he's only 5 months old, and not yet housebroken. He's destroying my home.

5. The guy who's supposed to take care of Harley, the 5 month old --is sick and won't be able to watch him.

I think I'm receiving messages from someone up there, (my angel, perhaps) for me to stay put, cancel and re-schedule the vacation to a later date.

What do you think? I don't know what to do. Forget about vacation protection insurance or stuff like that, I don't mind paying a a few bucks to have everything reschedule. What do I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please respond.

Thank you,


08-09-2010, 10:45 PM

I just sent you an email. I do not know where and when you are going, but it sounds like rescheduling might be in order. However, do make sure you rebook the trip...and try to tell those affected that next time you are going for sure....hopefully they will understand. You can postpone it once, but not a second time and maybe they will understand. Good luck, obviously do what feels the best for you.

Bon Voyage, Catherine

08-09-2010, 11:13 PM
I can't tell you what to do but I notice that your post only contains reasons for cancelling. And they seem pretty compelling. Would you enjoy the trip under these circumstances? Is the trip far enough away that some of these things can be resolved before you leave?
Are you able to make another list of reasons to GO on the trip?
I have the feeling you dont want to go. And that is okay!
I am a believer in trusting your instincts and you seem to be getting "signs".

Lori R
08-10-2010, 05:30 AM
I am soooo reluctant to suggest that you reschedule, but it does seem like events outside of your control could make the trip more anxiety provoking than relaxing.

I agree with Catherine and Bonnie...this has to be a RESCHEDULE, and you should reschedule immediately or the vacation is at risk of never happening.

Is there a chance that the people that should be supportive actually don't want you to go? Sometimes we fall into the role of carrying the load and when we want to put it down, those around us aren't pleased.

I think it was Bonnie that suggested you inform the team that next time you WILL go. If you start to get signals that they won't be there for you again, find someone else.

I am so sorry for this potential disappointment.

Hey....we can put on some party tunes, our party hats and have a good time here!!!

Follow your instincts.....Lori

08-10-2010, 08:10 PM
I think I would postpone the trip under the circumstances, but I think there are pros and cons to either choice. Take care.

08-11-2010, 08:54 AM
OMG ... I would cancel in a heartbeat ... but that's me. If you think
you could enjoy a vacation under these circumstances then I guess you
should go ... but GEEZ ... that's a lot of stuff to deal with. I'd stay home.
I need to put my feet up after reading your post :)

08-11-2010, 02:27 PM
Reschedule, I could tell by your post thats what
you will feel better doing. I agree someone is
telling you this is the wrong time to go. Do
something special in the time you would have
been gone and pick a better time for the trip.
Take care and good luck.

08-11-2010, 10:20 PM

Taking vacation is supposed to give us a break, renew our spirit, and enjoy life.

All the obstacles you've mentioned above have solutions. Your Maltese can go to the Vet's office (there's usually temporary lodging available with a fee.) Going to the nursing home might be a change for Kent - a challenge, but he might find himself enjoying the place since most nursing homes now have certified activity directors to keep their residents busy and engaged.

Your daughter's pain and fever need to be taken care of quickly. And most likely it will be taken care of quickly.

Harley needs to be taken care of by someone you can trust. Where did you find the 'guy' who's watching the baby? Can he find a substitute? Can you find a substitue?

Whether or not you are going on a vacation, you will need to have a back-up plan. Are there other relatives/friends who can help you out?

Evidently your vacation had been booked sometime ago. I had 'waited' to use my vaction 'package' one time and before the 'expiration' date I was notified that the company had filed for bankrupcy.

Keep the deadline in mind and make the best decision you see fit. You can also arrange a 'short' vacation somewhere nearby to relax for a couple of days.