View Full Version : nervous nelly

08-03-2010, 12:22 PM
anyone have a lump where their lumpectomy scar is a year out from surgery? maybe it's just that my 'cancer-versary' (date of diagnosis for me) is coming up on 8/27, but i've been feeling my chest a lot and i feel this bump under my incision. of course, that's exactly what i was doing last year at this time! hence my diagnosis! i keep telling myself 'chick, you have a dent in your chest, chill' but it'd be nice to know if anyone else has/had lumpy scar tissue. i just can't remember if it was there a month ago!

i do have a gyno appointment monday morning to discuss getting my other ovary out and i can't wait to get a pro doing the breast exam!


tricia keegan
08-03-2010, 01:50 PM
I had this and it was scar tissue, I also know many more ladies on another site who had exactly the same!

I know it's worrying, I still feel it five years out, but try not to let it worry me now. There's a good chance this is what you have too, fingers crossed and good luck!

08-03-2010, 01:59 PM
I had the same scare last year. I was so sure about it and went straight to the surgeon. But it turned out to be scar tissue.

Did that ease my mind? Well, maybe for a couple of weeks.

Just have to stay vigilant... :)

08-03-2010, 04:27 PM
I had a BIG (4cm) that was removed 3yrs after my Mastectomy, it was scar tissue. But do get it checked out.

08-03-2010, 05:09 PM
I had this too and got a mammo and ultrasound but once my surgeon saw me, she told me it was scar tissue. I have alot of it and it bothers me sometimes (it gets tender or sore - especially when the weather turns cold). Do check it out but don't freak cuz many of us have had it.

08-03-2010, 07:14 PM
thank you! it's a big relief to hear it's somewhat common and in fact i couldn't take the suspense anymore and called the gyno office. i'm seeing a nurse practitioner tomorrow for a breast exam. the one thing i don't like is she's the same one who told me last year that she thought my lump was a cyst, and since i'm here we all know it wasn't. but i'm guessing she'll be more careful this time (and to her credit she sent me for an ultrasound last year). plus i do have the real gyno doc as a back-up on monday. i'm not usually this skittish, but having my mom die 6 weeks ago of a cancer we didn't even know she had spooked me big-time. i appreciate all your comments and will let you know what they tell me. valerie

08-03-2010, 09:48 PM
Same lumpy scar tissue here, i have it around where my lymph nodes were removed. It is confusing but with as many pets as I have had, I figure it would catch it if it were something to worry about....sherry

08-03-2010, 10:16 PM
I also have this scar tissue very close to my nipple and it bothers many times. My onc wants to program me for surgery to have it removed, though from the very beginning they have agreed that this is scar tissue. It sometimes frightens me, but it has not grown or developed in any way. Each time I get my mammos and ultrasounds the doctors say it is scar tissue. So, do not panic.