View Full Version : cosamin

07-29-2010, 03:04 AM
I was just curious, as many have posted re:
side effects from AI how many of you who are experiencing the muscle pain and aches are taking cosamin?

The reason I ask is that I was taking it and feeling very good. Then for no reason stopped taking Cosamin DX.
Soon after as the months passed Feb. March, into Spring I began to feel increased muscle aches especially in the area of my surgery (lumpectomy) under arm and knee.

I also had a small injury to my knee as my large strong American Bulldog ran into me from behind my leg and I went up in the air and came down. Didn't think much about all this until the knee became painful enough for me to see my orthopedic dr. and after MRI and consult I do have a trama and slight tear to the area and we will be watching to check for healing and if not it will require surgery. Anyway more to the point of all this.
He asked me if I take Cosamin and I said I had stopped.
He advised I start again and we wait 3 months to see results.

I find it amazing that for me only after 3 weeks I am seeing a remarkable difference in my over all body.
My knees feel great, the muscle ache deep in my arm pit is gone and the knee that was injured has improved.

I don't know why I stopped ever taking cosamin maybe becasue I was feeling good and didn't think I need it.
Then I was so busy late winter all of Spring with work I just worked around the joint and muscle pain that was building.

So I just wanted to share with all the major difference I have just experienced adding Cosamin back into my day.
I am taking Femara....maybe it may help some of the pain and stiffness for some of you.

Best Wishes,

tricia keegan
07-29-2010, 10:39 AM
Thanks for the tip Jean, do you know if this is similar to glucosamine/chondroitin? I was taking this daily but stopped some months ago and was just considering starting it again.