View Full Version : new to room

07-20-2010, 04:41 PM
Hello everyone I am new here. I have just finished Chemo and now on Herceptin for a year and tamoxifin for 5. I was just wondering how everyone is coping? I was told my cancer was very aggressive and I often worry about recurence. Am I crazy for being worried?
Also I am thinking about reconstruction. What do you think?

07-20-2010, 09:19 PM
You are normal. Most people worry about the cancer coming back.
The best things you can do for yourself now are to eat healthy, try to reduce stress and get enough exercise.
It all helps. All the best to you.

Pam P
07-21-2010, 04:46 AM
Elaine is right - the best thing to do is live your life and enjoy it fully doing good and healthy things for yourself.

Yes the worry is normal. Cancer diagnosis changes your life. I think the worry takes a smaller part of your energy and thoughts gradually as you go along and you find that you are moving on and living your life.

On reconstruction - I had a mastectomy. I chose not to have reconstruction done. Because I didn't want any more surgery that wasn't necessary that was my primary reason- and also I'd heard from others too that the procedures for recon were more painful and longer recovery than the mast. itself. I wear a prothesis in my bra. It fits well and looks natural. I've been happy with my decision. Now that's just me ---- many people decide to do the reconstruction for various reasons. There's no right or wrong in the decision - it only matters what's right for you.

Wishing you good health. Pam

07-21-2010, 08:26 AM
First of all I am sorry you even need to be here and ask these questions, but life has given you a new road and journey to take. You have found a wondeful place to get lots of great information.

The hardest part is behind you (chemo) the herceptin treatment you will find much easier.

I know many of our members have had the surgery an you will glean lots of information from them.

You are so young and have so many years ahead of you.
One of my best friends had surgery a year ago and now a year later has had reconstruction. She is 67 years.
So each women needs to make the decision based on what makes her feel best.

Welcome and I send you best wishes.

Emelie B
07-21-2010, 09:13 AM
I too am sorry you have to join us, but welcome to a very understanding, brave, supportive, knowledgeable group of cancer survivors.
Yes, worry is constant in the beginning but does fade as time goes on. Cancer has changed your life forever and you can decide to make it a postive change or not. I always look at cancer as my wake up call to live my life well, love those around me, and laugh as much as I can.

I chose not to have recon because of my age, tired of doctors and surgeries, and my husband and I just did not feel it was important. I have a "sticky boob" that sticks on my chest and works just wonderful. I call her Betty.

The other ladies are very right in telling you to eat well, get plenty of rest, and keep exercising. Walking is wonderful.

Please let us know if you have any more questions, comments, or thoughts as we are all here to support you on your journey.
Best regards,

tricia keegan
07-21-2010, 12:07 PM
Hi Suzanne,

I agree with everyone, we all still worry at times about a recurrance but it's important to not allow the fear to rule you while still remaining vigilant to any changes or symptoms.
I'm five years out but have had a few scare's which turned out to be benign, most of us have!
I had a lumpectomy so did'nt need recon so cant help you with that but look forward to chatting with you more:)