View Full Version : Lymphedema under arm?

04-26-2010, 06:08 PM
Since my last zometa infusion three weeks ago, I have had shooting pain off and on from under my arm, across my mast area. The entire area under arm and around to back where I had a previous staph infection is tender. I have to be careful raising my arm, sharp burning, pulling pain, depending on how I move my arm. There does not seem to be any swelling and there is no problem with the arm itself.

Could this be lymphedema? Any suggestons?

I had this burning shooting pain the day after surgery---but none since--and that's been over five years!

Thanks for your thoughts on this,

04-27-2010, 03:31 PM
I remember my onc saying that discomfort from the mast could be an ongoing problem, always. But not necessarily so...

Sorry I can't be of more help. Hopefully this is related to trauma/tissue type issues and nothing more.

04-27-2010, 05:19 PM

I've had lymphedema before. What you'd described doesn't sound like lymphedema. (At least not the way I had experienced.) Have you discussed it with your health care provider? Based on my previous experience (such as cellulitis - it then led to lymphedema), anything out of the ordinary needs to get checked out.

Hope it's nothing serious.

04-28-2010, 07:49 AM
Hey SassyGirl
Sorry you've got this crap to deal with ... I've had mild lymphedema
but it's always my arm that hurts. I've had some muscle twitches
and spasmie - pain across my mastectomy scar but it only lasts for
a few minutes. I made up a word -spasmie.

I know you'll get this checked out cuz yur a smart cat.

I'm sure it's nothing serious ...

04-28-2010, 10:23 AM
That does not describe the lymphedema I have experienced, although mine is mild. I think of the symptoms being more a feeling of fullness, weight, pressure, swelling.And it goes down the arm.
Could you be having a recurrance of the infection? Or have you "torn" something?

tricia keegan
04-29-2010, 01:51 PM
I had this too, had it checked it out but it was'nt lymph thankfully and just nerve pain.
I hope you find the same same:)