View Full Version : baby jadyn

02-27-2010, 12:31 PM
friday evening jadyn was limp, even for a newborn, and wouldn't wake up or eat. her mommy wanted to take her to the e.r. and i told them i didn't know if that was the thing to do or not but i'd never seen one like that. they did take her and she has jaundice. after iv fluids and a couple hours under the lights she was once again eating but they still kept her overnight under the lights. yesterday her bilerubin was down some and yesterday afternoon they let them come home. she looks and acts alot better thankfully but is still slightly tinged yellow. monday is another blood test (poor baby) and tuesday sees the dr. anybody have any experience with this? tried looking it up but couldn't really find anything on how long it lasts. what a time this girl has had so far.

tricia keegan
02-27-2010, 06:03 PM
I'm so sorry Juanita, my babies were all premature and all had jaundice. They were fine after about a week of regular feeding and I hope Jadyn recovers well soon:)

02-28-2010, 07:12 AM
Light treatments used to be done in hospital. My oldest was treated in this manner. Today home units are available--I've had several friends who have had them--ask the baby doc.

My oldest was treated before we came home (I was in the hospital 5 days--seems I don't do anything normally). We didn't have any problems following.

Keep giving Jaden and Dilly lots of hugs---I hear grandma hugs are good for everything!

03-01-2010, 12:26 PM

Hope you grandbaby is better today.
