View Full Version : PET Results

Emelie B
02-13-2010, 11:50 AM
So, not what we had hoped for. I have mets in the liver, bone, lung and lymph nodes. Started treatment Thurs. with Herceptin, Taxol and Zomata. Will treat for 6-8 weeks and do another scan and see where we are.
Feeling very depressed about all this. Keep trying to be positive, but don't really feel it.
Keeping my fingers crossed we can get these things down and manageable, at least for awhile.
Have a great weekend everyone,

02-13-2010, 12:36 PM
Oh Emelie, I'm so sorry. You must be so scared and confused! Mets are what we all fear most and now they have caught you. But as you know, there's a lot that can be done and I know of at least two women who beat mets and have been NED for over 12 years now. So there's always hope. And others have lived well for very long with mets. Perhaps some of the promising new treatments will be available to you in a few year. Let's hope treatment will bring you back to NED asap and for a long, long time.

Now take a deep breath and say after me: I'm going to be NED! Visualise the mets fleeing your body with their tails between their legs. Visualise the meds chasing them away, breaking them, kicking them out.



Mary Anne in TX
02-13-2010, 01:03 PM
Hey Emelie! Yes, you can lick this offender bunch of mets! Remember, you're part of a wild group of long distance runners who out do the odds year after year! Your fear and worries are normal...you just got the awful news that a battle must be fought, but you can do this. We'll all be here to cheer you on and the "smarties" will help you know what to do each step of the way! You can do it!!! I send you huge hugs and loads of prayers and best wishes for your journey. Much love, ma

tricia keegan
02-13-2010, 05:30 PM
Oh Emelie, I'm so sorry, but agree with Mary Anne that we all take inspiration from the long warrier's here that have fought this before us and give us hope and inspiration. Take a few days to allow the turmoil of emotions and come out fighting and I know you'll beat this:) xx

Faith in Him
02-13-2010, 10:45 PM

This news must be shocking and will take some time to adjust to. But as you know many women have fought mets for many years and others have reached NED. Here is always hope especially in the new treatments that are coming along. I'm sending prayers and warm positive healing thoughts your way.


02-14-2010, 12:20 AM
Hi Emlie, I am so sorry to hear you got bad news. I was told I recurred last Sept. to several areas myself. It's a big hit when you get news like that. Very scary and so overwhelming. The way your feeling is very normal and don't let anyone tell you differently. But as the others have said here...there are so many that have battled mets like yours and got back to NED/stable again. It does happen. I know that doesn't get rid of the emotion toll your going thur right now but know that we are here for you. Please keep us updated on how your doing...we really do care.

Big hug!


02-14-2010, 12:40 PM
Adding my prayers for you, Emlie.


02-14-2010, 12:47 PM
I am sorry to hear your news. Please hang in there.
Whenever I receive bad news I come home and put it aside for at least 24 hours. I try not to think about it and do whatever makes me happy or relaxed for that 24 hours. I am usually refreshed enough and have enough energy and a clear head in 24 hours to start figuring out what I want to do about the problem. Maybe that will work for you. Take care.

02-14-2010, 04:44 PM

I am so sorry about your news. Please know that I am praying for the perfect medical combo to get you back to NED. It sounds so easy to say "stay strong" but please do. Kick this crappy diseases a$$!!!!!


02-14-2010, 05:06 PM

I join my prayers to the rest of our sisters so you can soon stop this mets with the right treatment. Best wishes, remember there is always treatment.


02-14-2010, 07:19 PM
Please know that we are all praying for you, Emilie! I second the idea of taking a deep breath and refusing to face the fear for at least 24 hours, doing something special for yourself, pampering yourself and letting others be there for you. I definitely believe in visualizing the cancer mets and cells being gobbled up by whatever you can imagine. It is so hard to be positive when you get such devastating news, but it will help you face it and fight it. I've learned in my 25+ years of fighting BC that when the bad news comes I can wring my hands and say in abject fear "Oh God, what do I do now?" or I can square my shoulders, look fear right in the eye, and pray courageously "Oh, God, what do I do now?" And when God gives you the answer, do it! I promise tht I will be praying for you, and I know many others will too, because that is what we do here! Hugs, Tricia

02-14-2010, 10:27 PM
I can't even imagine how you must feel right now, but just know that you are in my thoughts and I am sending you lots of prayers!

02-14-2010, 11:11 PM
I am sorrry to read your post. Of course you feel upset.
But we have many ladies on the board (Tricia for one)
who has beaten the disease down for the last 25 yrs.

Think positive about your treatment - there are so many new drugs that are showing great results beating down those nasty mets. It is a real battle for sure....we all keep you in our healing prayers.

Kind Regards,

02-19-2010, 10:14 AM
i can't add anything because i haven't been there, but i will add some prayers to the others.