View Full Version : San Antonio news on Tykerb/Herceptin.

12-11-2009, 05:12 PM
I am surprised that my onc and the City of Hope onc had heard nothing of the Tykerb/Herceptin combo when I 1st mentioned this to them a tab over 2 months ago. Both did not understand Dr. Slamon recommending this combo for me. Both onc said I would have to add a chemo drug. I told both of these onc there must be something to this because it came from Dr. Slamon himself. (But neither one was buying it.) I see my onc Monday and will take a copy of this news from San Antonio. I knew we would be hearing good news on this. :)
Here is one link I found and I'm sure there will be many more.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34382422/ns/health-cancer/ (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34382422/ns/health-cancer/)

Now that I have something to show my onc I might even see if I can switch to this combo verses stay on this Navelbine?


12-12-2009, 12:34 AM
Who is this Slamon dude you speak of?


Although...did he ever get back to you after your last inquiry?

12-12-2009, 01:24 AM
Rich, Dr. Slamon is the Her2 pioneer of Herceptin. (He truly is the "man".) He has always thought there has to be a better way then to just poison woman with chemo. For 12 years, Dr. Slamon and his colleagues conducted laboratory and clinical research that led to the development of the life saving drug Herceptin. (He is all for targeted therapies.) Thanks to Herceptin alone he has changed the statistic's and saved so many lives by his hard work and dedication.

When I went to see him last he wanted me on anything BUT chemo! This is one very amazing man that truly cares about his hard work and the outcome of his patients. You asked if he got back to me after my last inquiry? He did not personally...nor did I expect him too. I "only" paid for a "consult". However I did call several times and did talk to his NP and one of his colleagues which was very helpful each time. He only accepts PPO patients which I will be one this January. :)
Here's a couple links for you if you want to check him out. Thank God for Dr. Slamon! There are so many of us that would not be here if it weren't for him.

http://www.cancer.ucla.edu/Index.aspx?page=243&recordid=243 (http://www.cancer.ucla.edu/Index.aspx?page=243&recordid=243)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Slamon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Slamon)

12-12-2009, 01:41 AM
My tongue was firmly in cheek regarding the identity of Dr. Slamon. I requested my mom's recurrence pathology to be sent for 2nd opinion from a reluctant Wisconsin onc to Slamon's pathologist, Michael Press. I am aware. But I am also aware I haven't received an explanation of Press's recent comments suggesting borderline Her2 may benefit equally from Herceptin. That is different from what was said up until recently and deserves clarification, and I asked for it...without even a response. Good things came from Slamon's Herceptin endeavor...yet the response rate is less than ideal and it seems to be murky terrritory. I have come to realize all is in flux in cancer world. Human nature/egos/guarded protocols remain players in what we all would like to be hard, yet comforting science.

12-12-2009, 06:18 PM
Chelee-appreciate your info and comments regarding Dr. Slamon as well. You have been through so much lately, hope you are doing well. Started back with herceptin on Thursday....with hope and a prayer. Ceesun

Ellie F
12-13-2009, 06:32 AM
Good luck with herceptin. Hopefully you will be able to get it with tykerb or a trial with T_DM1.

Still thinking of you. Hope it is getting less painful.Three cheers for the good advice you got from Dr S even though other had not heard of it!


12-13-2009, 04:03 PM
Ellie, Yes...both onc's thought Dr. Slamon was wrong. It blew me away. But tomorrow morning I see my onc and go in for my infusion. So I have made a copy of the news from ASCO about the Tykerb/Herceptin combo to show my onc since she doesn't believe a word I say...even when it comes straight from Dr. Slamon's mouth. (Can't wait to see her face.)

Ceesun, Good luck with the herceptin. When I first started back on the herceptin alone...my first loading dose showed my tumor markers drop for the first time in a yr. So it does work! It will work for you too. :)
