View Full Version : Hi from madubois63

06-30-2009, 08:07 AM
Well, this hasn't exactly been an easy year for me. I've been in and out of the hospital several times over the last few months for many reasons. Because of all the heavy steroids I've take, my hips have died - physically/literally. The blood flow to the bones has been cut off and the femur heads are cracked in several places and are collapsing. Originally, I needed one hip replaced but now it shows that I need both hips replaced. I was scheduled to get the first one done during the first week of June. I was breathing heavy and very exhausted. Turned out I had pneumonia. I took my first ride in an ambulance from the cancer clinic to the hospital. They didn't want to move me without oxygen. They drained my left lung (all my problems have been on the right side). I stayed for a week then got to go home. Rested, rested and then did some more resting. My liver enzymes started to go up so they wanted to put me back in for a liver biopsy last week. Since it was my daughter's prom and graduation, I asked if we could hold off until all was done and they said yes. We increased the steroids and I got to see my daughter off to the prom and attend graduation. It was amazing and another milestone for me just to be there. I came in all packed Yesterday morning to be drained and have the liver biopsy. After more blood work, they decided not to do the biopsy because my numbers are going down in response to the extra steroids (almost normal in just a few days). I am now waiting to get my lung drained and I could possibly go home today or more likely tomorrow!!! I've lost another 20 lb over the last month even though I am eating. When I went to get dressed for my daughter;s graduation, nothing fit. I was excited, but everyone is yelling at me. I truly have the weight to loose, but it needs to stop really soon. I can't afford a new wardrobe. I can't eat this morning and am starving. So that's a pretty big nutshell. Thanks to all that have missed me. I hope everyone get s some sort of relieve or a big huge miracle. Love to you all....

06-30-2009, 08:32 AM
Wonderful to hear from you, Maryann!! I am so happy to note that you attended your daughter's prom and graduation. You have fought so hard and what a proud moment it must have been to see her graduate!

We missed you.


06-30-2009, 08:41 AM
My gosh, Maryann,

Even for you, that seems like an awful lot!!!! You sure deserve a break (and I don't mean bones).

How wonderful that you were able to see your daughter's graduation, I know that was another huge milestone for you.

Please take care of yourself, we do miss you and need you.

Much love

06-30-2009, 09:47 AM
Thanks for the update Maryann~ wow! Take care of yourself, and I hope you get to eat soon!

Please keep us updated... what do the docs attribute the weight loss to?

06-30-2009, 09:49 AM
Hi Maryann,
As usual I am always left with my jaw hanging when I read your posts...from the prom to graduation to a ride in a ambulance! You are just one amazing lady.

I always keep you in my prayers and our green lady is watching over you. Please keep us updated and I hope our hip surgery goes forward smoothly.

Sending huge hugs to you!

Mary Anne in TX
06-30-2009, 10:03 AM
Maryann! Your life is a whirlwind of one more battle, then one more battle. I'm so sorry that it's going to take two hip replacements to get you fixed. I know the weight loss is good when you need it, but don't keep it up! What do they need to do to help you stop it? Your kids are the luckiest ever to have you! Keep chasing your dreams, Maryann. Lots of love and wishes for better health and No Events!!!! ma

06-30-2009, 01:47 PM

Thanks for the update. Please take care of yourself.


Faith in Him
06-30-2009, 01:56 PM
Like others have said, you are amazing. You are an inspiration to me. I remember when your son graduated and now your daughter. What a wonderful feeling to have seen both kids graduate. That is my goal. I need ten years so I hope I get it.

I hope you are feeling better soon. Sorry that you have to go through so much.


06-30-2009, 02:23 PM
Thanks for the update and best of luck with your
hips. I was thinking of you last night since you had
not posted lately. Take care.

tricia keegan
06-30-2009, 03:17 PM
It's always wonderful to hear from you Maryann simply because you're such an inspirational brave lady!
You'll be in my thoughts and hope all goes well for you:)

Ellie F
06-30-2009, 03:23 PM
Wow you are one brave lady. Hope things soon settle down for you.

06-30-2009, 03:49 PM
Glad to hear from you, but sorry about everything you have been going through. I hope things turn around for you soon! My thoughts are with you.

06-30-2009, 04:30 PM
Madame DuBois! It's good to hear from you, but I'm sorry to hear about your hip problems. You are one tough Lady. If anyone can overcome these obstacles, you can!

06-30-2009, 05:16 PM
Dear MaryAnn,
I am so sorry to hear you are struggling so.

You always have such a positive attitude and inspire us! Many prayers are with you.

I am sure you enjoyed every moment of your daughters prom and graduation. It is now time for you to get better and no more weight loss!

Please let us know how you are doing.

06-30-2009, 09:57 PM
So good to hear from you, Maryann.

Sorry that you are having problems with your hips. My Father-in-law has had two hip surgeries on the same side. Please be very careful and use the walker as instructed by the medical staff (Father-in-law ignored the caution and pretty much broke it again because of it.)

Take care and don't forget to give us updates whenever you can.

07-01-2009, 12:36 AM
WHEW!!! Boy that was a postfull!!! SO good to hear from you MA!!!

Lori R
07-01-2009, 05:08 AM
I'm so glad you posted. I've been wondering what you've been up to. Obviously, a lot.

I am sure that with the pneumonia diagnosed and with relief for your lung that you will feel much better.

Get those hips replaced and you'll be dancing on the table tops.

Please send us a picture!!

I am thrilled that you were able to participate on such a major milestone for your daughter.


07-01-2009, 05:12 AM
OK...you have more lives than any cat, which is a good thing....the hurdles you overcome amaze me!...Now that prom and graduation are over, please concentrate on yourself and getting the hip taken care of and stopping the weight loss. Do we need to come spoon feed you chocolate? It is always wonderful to hear from you...you are an inspiration to us all!

07-01-2009, 06:41 AM
So good to see your post. You've been so much but you're so brave and strong, I know that you will soon get through all of this.
As always, you are a great inspiration.
hugs and love

07-01-2009, 09:54 AM
Maryann -

How happy I was to see you posting although you are going to one H..... of a time.

You are such an inspiration to us - you never seem to miss anything going on in your life regardless of what is happening to you.

I am so sorry to hear of all you are going through but you are always in my prayers my friend.

Stay strong

07-01-2009, 11:39 AM
What can I add? You are a real example of grace under pressure. Keep the faith. (I know you do!)

07-01-2009, 11:49 AM
It is great to hear from you, but I have to admit I am tired from just reading your post.
You certainly have had a lot on your plate, but I am glad you got to be there for your daughter's graduation and prom.
You are a very strong person, so I know you will try your best to keep going and put one foot in front of the other even if it is slowly after hip replacements.
Hugs to you.

07-01-2009, 01:33 PM

I know there will be a miracle, you are such an strong lady and a herculian fighter. I am sorry to hear that you have not been feeling so well, I want to send you my best wishes and want to let you know that I am praying for you. Yes, I am one in this board that misses you, so when you have a chance and feel up to it, please write us a note.



Diane H
07-01-2009, 01:48 PM
You've had a rough time and am glad to hear it is easing somewhat. Congratulations on your daughter's graduation, that's a big one!
Hugs and hope,

07-01-2009, 03:32 PM
Maryann I am sorry to hear you are once again having issues. I hope everything gets resolved soon and you have a speedy recovery. In the meantime, congrats to your daughter. You must be so proud.

Barbara H.
07-01-2009, 04:23 PM
Hi Maryann,
Steroids are no fun. I have to go to physical therapy this summer for what they have done to my knees. I was on them for lung inflamation from December to April. I'm hoping that the PT works.

I have a friend who is in his mid sixties and quite a good skier. He had both of his hips replaced and still skies all over the country. I am hoping that all goes well for you and that you recover well.

I have a great admiration for you. You inspire me and I always look forward to your posts. You will continue to be in my thoughts.

Best wishes,
Barbara H.

07-02-2009, 12:48 AM
Thank you all once again for the love and support that shines through your posts so much. I am home from the hospital - just 3 days this time. 3 weeks ago, it was 5 days. They didn't do a liver biopsy as planned because I am responding so well to the steroids - yeah. Numbers are almost back to normal. They did drain my lung and took out just over a liter of fluid. The fluid is clear and like last time, no cancer. I still do have 2 or 3 little spots on the outside of my right lung, but am still getting Herceptin for that. I am confident that that will go away soon. While they were draining my lung, they nicked my lung - turned out it was just a small scratch and is healing well. I probably won't be able to get the hip replacements until the fall when I get my strength fully back, but I have to say I do feel pretty good. My girlfriend got a new 4 wheel drive truck an has never been 4-wheeling on the beach. Plans for the next week are to teach her driving on the beach...I look very forward to this!!! I also have been teaching my daughter to drive and have to get her passed the road test mid month. I hope everyone has plans to do something that doesn't involve cancer for the holiday. Last 4th of July I sat in my window on the 19th floor of the hospital and watched the fire works along the south shore of Long Island. This year it may just be hamburgers on the bbq and a game of scrabble with my kids. I am so truly blessed...the little things mean everything!! Love to all...

Mary Jo
07-02-2009, 05:35 AM
Oh Maryann...Yes, you are right you really are blessed. It always amazes me when I read your posts and all you have gone and continue to go through you just continue to smile and encourage and look ahead. You know Maryann.....not only are you blessed but we are blessed to know you.

You encourage us.......Love to you sweet sister....May your 4th be a real "bang!" http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif

Mary Jo

suzan w
07-02-2009, 11:06 AM
It was great to get back from a mini-vacation to read your post. Good to hear from you. It does indeed sound like you have a 'full plate' even though you are not eating much...bad pun! Each new days bring joys that we had not counted on!

07-02-2009, 04:44 PM
Well Hello Lovey!! Always nice to hear from you and seeing your beautiful face. Whenever you are away for a short while I eagerly await your return; I just know your days are more than full and your updates always prove it...whew! It is so wonderful that you are enjoying those precious things in life. I am also so happy to hear of you and your daughters adventures and milestones together.

You take care of yourself as you work on getting healthier. Keeping you in heart as always and sending you a smile. You MadameD, are such an inspiration to me and I am looking forward to watching you recover. Enjoy those burgies on the 4th and may you see your own personal fireworks as you breathe in life with freedom! Lots of love today and always.>>Believe51