View Full Version : Prep for Round 2

06-26-2009, 07:18 PM
Hello all,

I just developed nipple soreness and pinkness, plus noticed the little white threadlike pieces of stuff that I found on the opposite breast when my Paget's first started. Also I think I feel a lump about the size of a pea.

I would like to hope I'm just a over-achiever in the worry department.

I want to do my homework just in case.

What is usually the next step in treatment?

Mary Anne in TX
06-27-2009, 05:45 AM
Lizbeth, I hope you are just a worry wart for nothing, like we do so often. If you need treatment, sounds like you're catching things early and can get right after those pesky cells. I'm sorry you are having to worry and most of all that there is any chance that you might have to revisit chemo. Please let us know what is happening. til then, prayers included with best wishes, ma