View Full Version : Becky and her mother

Vi Schorpp
07-24-2008, 11:41 AM
Hi! You mentioned on another thread that your mother came back from vacation with Legionnaire's disease. How is she doing?

07-25-2008, 06:29 AM
What an ordeal the Legionnaire's Disease was! My mom contracted it in Mexico and at least didn't start to show symptoms until she got home. It starts like you are getting the flu - fever and feeling achy and crappy in general. It was really something. She was in the hospital 8 days. At one point, she asked me if she was going to die and I told her no but I really wasn't sure (and told her that later when she was clearly going to be okay).

She went home last week after being at my house 2 weeks. She can't do heavy duty work. My oldest daughter did a major food shopping excursion for her and cleaned her house. She is going there again today to clean the bathrooms. (Update - Oldest daughter graduated Rutgers in May and got a real job (with benefits. Just found out Thursday. Not her dream but she took it. I told her if her dream comes through 2 months from now she can leave this. The benefits were key as she will lose them from me soon).

She is doing very well. Yesterday was her 76th birthday. We all took her to get Thai food and then went and saw Mamma Mia (movie). She is nearly back to "her" and started walking (at the mall so she doesn't have to deal with the heat on top on everything else). Its just the heavier work she needs to get back to. Maybe she won't very quickly and we'll just help her out.

I really appreciate you asking. I didn't have much time over the last month or so to really write on the board but I've been there.

Everyone have a great weekend.

Vi Schorpp
07-25-2008, 07:04 AM
What an ordeal, for her and for you. Thank goodness your family understands the value of helping out when needed -- I think it's one of the most important values we can pass on to future generations. I'm glad your mom is doing better, how scary that must have been for all of you.

Congratulations on your daughter's graduation from Rutgers. Small world -- one of my younger sisters graduated from there a while back. Yes, a job with benefits is a wonderful thing today. Even if it's not her ideal job, it's a great stepping stone for work experience.

Keep busy and I'm glad things are back to normal.


07-25-2008, 07:32 AM
I'm glad that your mother is better. Now YOU rest as I know that taking care of our parents can be tiring too (my 75 year old mother lives with Tony and I and while she is a HUGE help, when she is sick...BOY is she sick). Take care and God bless.

07-25-2008, 07:53 AM
Happy Birthday Mommy, may you be back to yourself before you know it. Sending you a giant hug!! Love your Becky, I am sure she takes after you!!>>Believe51

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07-25-2008, 08:27 AM
Ah - those wonderful families - how can we survive without them?

07-25-2008, 11:39 AM
We have been doing a build for Habitat for Humanity in SD and did not have WiFi regularly. I am so sorry your Mom was so sick. So glad to hear she is doing better. Happy Birthday to her.

Congrats to your daughter and her job. Perhaps her dream job is just around the corner. Benefits are a very good thing.

I'll say a special prayer for you all tonight.

Joan M
07-25-2008, 06:34 PM
Becky, Glad to hear your mother is feeling much better and on her way to a full recovery. She has a lot of support from her family which really helps a lot. Joan

Mary Jo
07-25-2008, 06:54 PM
Hi Becky,

Oh, the blessing of family....the "real" ones and the "other" kind (like herehttp://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif)

You are part of our "family" and when one member is struggling with whatever, we all care and are here to support and encourage.

Thanks Vi for bringing this up and thanks Becky for giving us an update on your mom. I'm thankful things are on the mend and pray they continue that way.

Love to you "sister"

Mary Jo

07-26-2008, 11:58 AM
Dear Becky,

What an ordeal - my husband and some friends of ours were discussing Legionnaires disease just a few days ago and then I saw this post. I had no idea it could be so debilitating! Whew! Wishing your mother, you and your daughter strength and good health!

Love, Donna

07-29-2008, 05:25 AM
Sorry this is so late...hope your Mother is feeling better....if she is like you, she is on top of the game! You are both in my thoughts.