View Full Version : Question about Chemo/target therapy

Faith in Him
06-11-2008, 01:40 PM
As you all know, I'm still fairly new at this. '07 was the year I learned I had bc. In that year Tykerb and Ixempra was approved and Avastin was on the horizion. This year I haven't seen much although I know there are new drugs in the works. Was '07 just a good year for new treatments? I guess, I was hoping that new drugs came out all the time.


06-12-2008, 08:46 AM
New drugs are always in the pipeline. When I was diagnosed with mets in 04, I found this site and used it ONLY to read the articles of interest. Getting a sense that a LOT of research was going on, particularly for Her2, gave me hope.

Although herceptin was at that time available for stage IV cancer, it wasn't approved for early stage adjuvant treatment until sometime in I think 2006. At that time I felt the same way as you - when are more drugs going to be coming??? Then as you note, Tykerb, Ixempra, Avastin all in the last year.

The pipeline is not dry at all...but I agree it seems to take too darn long!