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05-31-2008, 06:59 PM
really I am always neurotic. Does anyone know why herceptin dm1 works for some and not others? I am starting to freak out about this not working as well as going so long without treatment. I sdon't know what brought on my case of the worries, but that is where I am. Any thoughts on the patterns of responders? thank you all.

05-31-2008, 07:08 PM
Genentech may be releasing data at this weeks ASCO meeting.

We will post if we receive any news.


Barbara H.
05-31-2008, 08:27 PM
Hi Joy,
Try to stay positive even though it is difficult when you are waiting. Although not everyone responds to a drug, this trial has had some good results, and is likely to work for you.
Thinking of you,
Barbara H.

05-31-2008, 09:14 PM
Hey Little Sis, please don't worry too much. I'm sorry, but I can't help very much with the details of the efficacy of certain treatments, but please know that I will always be here for you, providing prayers and support. Love ya, Bill

05-31-2008, 10:20 PM
Joy, stop being so hard on yourself. It is not neurotic to be worried about real things. I hope you get the answers you need to relieve your mind.
Keep the faith.

Mary Anne in TX
06-01-2008, 07:46 AM
Joy, waiting is the pits! Dream up some terrific results for yourself for the next few weeks until you get the "real" good results!! Hoping it works it's magic and that you don't even know you're taking it!

06-01-2008, 10:00 AM
No you are not being neurotic, if you are, we ALL are.

I am going through the same thing at present. I am still waiting on answer to see if I will be accepted on the DM1 trial. I was previously denied but my onc office is trying AGAIN in desperation to get me on this trial. We hope we will hear something on Monday since I NEED to start some type of treatment by this week. I have had major progression since my last two different combos failed on me.

I AM ALSO GETTING NEUROTIC so don't feel out of place.

I wish you much luck my friend and just hang in there since that is all that we can do. My prayers for you.

06-02-2008, 10:06 AM
I am anxiously awaiting to hear what happens and I want something to happen for you SOON! Please let us know as soon as you can. I hope you are hanging in there okay. You are an amazing woman.

06-02-2008, 12:18 PM
Joy, first of all you are not neurotic, just trying to deal with all the uncertainty. Not too much fun, is it?

The same is true of ALL treatments, too little is known about who will respond and who doesn't....but it's compounded in this case because there is so little data it's hard to even guess!

Meanwhile, I'm hoping for miracles of intervention myself...I was denied for treatment again, that dumb AST still too high (although still not as high as it's been and barely over the study "limit"). Still, this time it may mean I'm DQ-d from the trial. Which would really be a bummer because it DOES seem to be working for me.

My doctor is going to talk to the medical monitor of the trial, hopefully they can find me a loophole while I try and figure out how to get those darn LFT's down. Of course, she's at ASCO this week, so that makes it harder!

Joy, you responded for a long time on Herceptin, I think that's a good sign.

Irene, keeping my fingers crossed for you too. Maybe all our hopeful vibes will help the universe find doors for us, or at least a window we can sneak through.

Much love

06-02-2008, 12:58 PM
joy. initial studies with tras-dm1 showed an approx 80% response rate , of the first 15 patients in phase 1 dosed every 3 weeks. 7 of 15 patients showed stable disease. 5 of 15 had a PR or tumor reduction.. only 3 patients of 15 failed to respond at all.. try to relax, I hope and pray it works for you..

Chrissy.. sorry to hear about the LFT's .. a phase 2 weekly dosed trial is starting in july... maybe u need a lower dose of tras-dm1 but more frequent dosings..

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