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View Full Version : lesions on the ribs, what does this mean

05-27-2008, 11:35 AM
What does lesions on the ribcage mean? does it men cancer? can it be something else?
I'm asking because our friend with IBC, HER2+++, ER-PR- had a bone scan today and that's what the doctor said. didn't get a chance to look at the report but will tomorrow when I stop by her house to deliver some food to her - she's on FEC 100 (after many other chemos including tykerb) and isn't doing well physically.
so anyway if anyone could tell me anything, I'd appreciate it..
hugs and love

05-27-2008, 03:19 PM
Sarah ~

It is hard to say without looking at a report but anything that reads lesions is usually not good news. I believe that the ribcage is usually a common place that bone mets can go to. I hope that I am wrong. We have lots of ladies and gents here with more knowledge than me though.

Hugs ~ Ruth

05-27-2008, 03:25 PM
The doctor should explain the report and give her a copy of the report during her next appointment. If there is any question as to what the lesions are the doctor may suggest a biopsy.

05-27-2008, 03:28 PM
I had suspicious areas on my ribs show up in a bone scan.......so did Donna D, it turned out to be fractures for both of us....radiation can weaken the ribs.

05-28-2008, 01:06 AM
Thank you for your responses. We are very worried for her. She is alone, her husband died prematurely 2 years ago. she's had radiation so I suppose that's out but a biopsy sounds like a good idea.
She's doing FEC100 right now and it's knocked her out.
It's so great to have virtual friends like all of you.
hugs and love