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View Full Version : Osteoporosis Drugs: Difference between anyone?

05-26-2008, 09:12 AM
Does anyone have any hard facts comparing the osteoporosis drugs? Such as Boniva verses Evista verses Actonel verses whatever else is out there? My doctor just prescribed Boniva as it is monthly so more convenient but I am one of those that wants to know why this one and not the other etc. Yes I have done the internet searches but all the info is the same, therefore wondering if anyone has heard if one may be more superior then the other or has other "hidden" pluses or benefits other then it's intended.

05-26-2008, 09:49 AM
don't know the answer but would like to. Here in France I'm given Clastoban, a pill I take twice a day outside of food so I should take it around 10AM and 4 or 5 PM but invariably I forget to take one of them so I'd love something that I could take less frequently but still protect my bones.