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View Full Version : June Scientific American Article

05-24-2008, 02:16 PM
The June issue of Scientific American has a fantastic article on the current status of Breast Cancer Treatment and Research, with a focus on Her2 and target therapy. You can get a copy at the big book stores ad news stands.

06-04-2008, 05:33 PM
Great article indeed, thanks kk1. I found the link to it so we can read it online (and cross continent):


06-05-2008, 08:10 AM
Hi Beans;

It's great you found it on-line but I notice that it does not include any of the graphics that were in the print version. For those without a biological science background like you and I, the graphics make it much easier to understand the various pathways and how the diiferent drugs work......even my 84 year old mother was able to understand my treatment once she read the article and looked at the graphic for awhile. I was thinking of scanning the printed version and posting it but it would probably be a copy right violation.

I am 10 days into my new treatment Herceptin, Laplatinib, and Xeloda and so far it has been really easy to tolerate I even ran 3 miles this morning. The only thing I notice is that I need a bit of a nap in the afternoon. My Onc said that the first week is usually the hardest, if thats the case I am in fat city--provided of course that it works. I'd be really interested in doing that pilgrimage to Spain with you next year.

take care

06-08-2008, 11:03 AM
Hi KK1,

Nice to hear that the treatment is not too hard on you. I am glad as well to hear that you are having bot herceptin and tykerb as targetted treatment as oppose to just tykerb. Yes the illustration would be useful it yes the article is indeed a bit of a mouthful.

Yes I really want to go back and do the camino again so yep come up to Spain next year!

In the meantine I send you good vibe your way and best wishes from the heart.