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View Full Version : Cognitive anyone?

05-23-2008, 09:20 AM
I told my Internist about my cognitive issues at my annual physical, and she is sending me for a CAT scan of my head and an appointment with a neurologist. My oncologist didn't seem to concerned about my cognitive issues, so I am not as worried as I might have been. (I also have xanax if I need it!!). As a Her2 survivor, I think a brain scan is a good thing. Trust all will be normal. Coincidentally, my brothers and I are dealing with my 82 year old mother who is starting to hallucinate -- Spiderman on the bed, a tall lady in the hall. She knows it's not normal. I told her if I'm willing to see a neurolgist, I expect her to do the same.

Mary Anne in TX
05-23-2008, 11:24 AM
Or just enjoy the adventure?????