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05-21-2008, 05:34 PM
Well ladies I had my cystoscopy today and only thing found was 2 very small polys which the urologist said were not the root of my problem. He said women of my age (53) tend to have some blood in their urine, but he cannot explain the intense pain I have, so he suggested a colonoscopy. So now I guess I will have a colonoscopy. This is all very disconcerning to me as I have this lower left abdominal pain since middle of March and every test is coming up negative. Anyone else dealing with this? I am trying not to be paranoid, but something is causing all this discomfort.

Vi Schorpp
05-22-2008, 08:17 AM
Sorry I can't help you specifically. I just want you to know I'm thinking of you and that I hope your discomfort goes away soon.

05-22-2008, 03:51 PM
Vi Schorpp,
Thanks for thinking of me. Today I have been scheduled for a colonoscopy for June 14 ( I really dread doing this procedure). The prep is the worse part. Maybe I will have some answers then as to why I have this pain. I tell you this disease make a person so paranoid and I didn't used to be this way. I hate it. Anyway thank you again. What part of Ohio are you from? I used to live in the Akron-Canton area.

05-23-2008, 04:50 AM
Debbie, sorry you have to deal with this. I understand the paranoia very well. I have had one issue after the other and always go to the "dark side" each time I'm waiting on test results. I think it is our new life now. Some days you can push it back and other days it runs your life. Hope they find the problem and it is an easy fix.

Vi Schorpp
05-23-2008, 07:35 AM
Soon the colonoscopy will be behind you (sorry for the pun) and it's a great idea to have this. My husband HATED the prep, but thank goodness we don't do this too often. I'm from Walton Hills, OH, a rural area near the cities of Solon, Bedford, Independence, etc. I was actually born in Virginia, but have been raised most of my life in Ohio.

Speaking of colonoscopies, someone in the village did the prep and complained all day long to his wife about it. Then his wife discoverd that he was wrong -- his test was the following week.

Take care and enjoy this beautiful week-end.

05-23-2008, 12:56 PM
Great story Vi, I will have to make sure I start the prep on the right day. Thanks, you made me feel better!

05-26-2008, 08:30 AM
Did you send me an email. If so, I accidently deleted it. It fell in my spam box. Sorry! I go see the Urologist tomorrow about the kidney lesion. Have been having a few more symtoms than before. So we will see. Have a beautiful holiday!

05-26-2008, 05:48 PM
No Jules, I didn't e-mail you. But good luck at the urologists. I only had polyps in my bladder so that was not my problem, having colonoscopy June 14. Best of luck to you.

05-26-2008, 07:44 PM
Hi I have been dealing with left side pain(at my waist), and constipation since chemo, I've had cat scan and colonoscopy and the Dr.said it could be diverticulitus that just wasn't showing up yet,so when it acts up I have an antibiotic to take. I try to stay away from nuts and seeds and he also said to take miralax . this works most of the time but I did have an attack over mothers day but this time I knew what to do and didn't end up in the ER

05-27-2008, 08:07 AM
Debbie ~ I know that the prep is not too great however some comfort will be finding out if your colon is causing any of this pain. Also my parents said they felt great afterwards and understood what a true cleansing was! :-) My Dr.'s want me to have a colonscopy when I turn 50 because of the diagnosis of BC. Has anyone else had this recommendation? I have no family history of colon cancer but my Onc. & surgeon says that it is what they recommend.

Thanks ~ Ruth

05-27-2008, 03:58 PM
It is common for doctors to recommend a colonscopy to anyone after the age of 50. Before hand if you have problems. I know I am long over due. Just not looking forward to the prep.

Thanks ladies for all your replies.

Ruth are those your children in the picture? Cute children.

05-28-2008, 07:30 AM
Thank you Debbie...the prep part was not fun for my parents and as my Mom put it a little disturbing that she was full of so much $%^& !

Three of the kids are mine by birth and the other two from my husband but I consider them all mine :-)!

I hope you feel better. The not knowing what is causing the pain must be hard for you.

You are in my prayers.

Hugs ~ Ruth