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View Full Version : Menopause x 2?

05-13-2008, 06:20 PM
Just wondering about something...

My initial chemo treatment 4 years ago forced me into chemo-pause at 44 years old. I experienced the requisite hot flashes for about 18 months and they subsided and disappeared about 2 years ago. In the last 2 months, I have again been experiencing about 4-5 hot flashes/night sweats everyday. At my docs instructions, I discontinued Aromasin almost 2 years ago, so I am on no AI at all. I am only on Tykerb/Xeloda - for the last year.

Would it make sense that I could be experiencing a second menopause? Perhaps that the first one was the chemo induced one and now this one is my "natural" one as I am now 48 and closer to menopause age.

Any thoughts? Thanks!

05-13-2008, 07:54 PM
Hi Brenda

You didn't say that you took Lupron or Zoladex with the Aromosin or not. That said, you might not have really been in true menopause when you were taking it if you didn't. Your ovaries just might not have been making enough estrogen for you to ovulate and get your period. So now, you might be shutting down for real.

However, I will say that I too am having several night sweats/hot flashes a night too. I am going to ask my onc about it when I see him on Monday because almost 3 years ago, I got the ovaries removed so I have been in menopause for awhile.

I think mine might be from using the Premarin cream 2X per week to 1X per week to a half dose 1X per week. Maybe there is alittle systemic action going on and my pituatary gland is just secreting FSH (which is what really causes the hot flashes) saying - make more estrogen. Who knows as (like Hopeful) I have gotten my estrogen levels checked while on the vaginal estrogen and have had no change (but I also got that "scary" cyst episode too and I never had a cyst before and my onc eluded to the estring (what I was using at the time)). I will let you know what he says about these flashes for me. But for you, I think you've got the real McCoy. Or its Spring fever for the both of us (I do believe that lengthening days can do things to you ).

Cheers (alcohol causes the flashes to be worse too - rats!)

05-13-2008, 08:11 PM
Thanks Becky - I haven't talked to the doc yet, but your theory makes total sense. I never took Lupron or Zolodex, and I am not entirely sure what they do... aren't they mostly for prostate cancer? Do they shut down the pituitary?

I know we monitored my estrogen levels early on, and they were adequately low, but we haven't looked at them for a couple of years. So I will probably ask if we can check them now and compare.

05-13-2008, 10:02 PM
I for sure have been flashing since using the vagifem. Wow - just realized what a horrible name that is. But in addition to hot flashing I am totally more emotional than usual. Even though all docs say it doesn't cause side effects. They are WRONG.