View Full Version : ~It's Believe51~Busy, But Watching y'all!!

04-25-2008, 07:54 AM
This has been the first time since getting on this site that I have been quiet this long. Busy, complications, and most importantly....the eye problems I have are not getting any better and surgery is a certainty.

BUT I have been reading and following y'all just the same. Even not posting as usual I still do not miss a birthday, a cancerversary, an operation or a prayer request. I am following you on your journeys, I am praying for you daily. And if I was to miss something there are sweet friends whom keep me posted.

Ed asks for updates almost daily about his family here, asks by name too. We love you all so very much and it is important that you know we are still here loving, praying and supporting you in heart.

Today is his 9TH A/C treatment. Heart holding strong, numbers still declining, Petscans & Brain MRI's are PERFECT (as much as perfect can be!). Although still not there dancing with NED, this is the closest we have been and it feels glorious!!

CAUTIOUS REMISSION?? Is that what it is callled? Who cares....we have our dancing shoes on. We are waiting to send the word to you! And for the Newbies that do not know us well, stand back....you are about to witness a miracle very soon!! For that matter, we all are!!

MichelleH: Will be calling her over the weekend for an update for Monday. I try not to intrude too much as she is busy trying to perform her own wonders.

I love you all so much and hope to be able to talk soon again. I try not to let my eyesight problems get me down and by not being able to communicate as much has made me sad to a degree.

Be back Monday after I start with a new drop for the 'ole eyeballs! Hehe. This site is my lifeforce through this breast cancer journey and we would have never made it this far without it. Thanks for listening.

Hope to be 'cacking' with you again soon, 'specially 'cause I am bursting to speak my mind....Tehehehe!!>>Believe51

04-25-2008, 11:41 AM
Marie, sorry your eye's aren't any better. I hope you don't need surgery and that the new eye drops work.

Glad that Ed's heart is still going strong and that his TM's are still coming down. You are right there is going to be a miracle for sure. Prayers continue for you both.

Glad that you will be taking with Michelle H. PLEASE let her know she and her family are still in my prayers. I will look for an update.

Thanks for posting. we miss you.

04-25-2008, 11:56 AM
Hi Marie

I'm glad everything is going splendedly up there.

Mary Jo
04-25-2008, 01:03 PM
Always nice to read one of your posts Marie and as always happy to hear that Ed is doing so well. Thank God.

However, I am sorry to hear about you are still having problems with your eyes. I hope the drops help you. You said "surgery was a certainty"..........do you know when this will be?

Sending love and hugs across the miles...

Mary Jo

04-25-2008, 04:41 PM
Hi Marie, it's good to hear from you! I'm glad the Mighty Oak is doing so well. We are here cheering you guys on. I'm sorry to hear about your eyes, and I hope the new drops help. LOve and prayers, Bill

Joan M
04-25-2008, 05:01 PM
Hi Marie, I hope your eyes will be feeling better soon. Please tell Ed that I'm praying for NED for him. Best, Joan

04-25-2008, 05:27 PM
Hi Maire,

Sorry to hear you are still having eye problems, hopefully the new drops will help.

Hugs to the Mighty Oak, glad things are stable. Hope that dance with NED is soon.

all the best

Andrea Barnett Budin
04-25-2008, 06:54 PM
Marie, dear Friend,
Just wanted you to know though I too am AWOL, I think of all and send loving prayers as well. May your eye situation improve, by hook or by crook. No one wants surgery, but sometimes, it is a necessary part of healing. Regardless, I know you will be bright-eyed and busy-tailed! My thoughts are with you. And with Ed. Who is doing a yeoman's job in withstanding the Red Devil. So proud!

Sending you much love always. You are always in my thoughts. Am buried deep in my book, doing my darnedest to focus and create what I see in my head. This is quite the challenge. Can't seem to find time to do much else, but am joyful in my mission. BE WELL. Stay positive and please KNOW that I carry you with me at all times.