View Full Version : Brain Radiation--Scarey stuff

04-19-2008, 04:08 PM
Hi All,

I started whole brain radiation (ugh!) on Tuesday. The dr. says my hair will not come back. But the technicians say they've seen hair come back. Now in the scheme of things, hair is just hair, but saving my life is priceless. But it never hurts to ask!

Does anyone have any thoughts on side effects? I have six more treatments to go.

I appreciate any thoughts or experiences!


04-19-2008, 04:20 PM
I am so sorry that you need to do this - I hope it kills the cancer and that your hair comes back.

04-19-2008, 09:19 PM
My hair came back. I think it varies from person to person. Don't worry about whether it should or should not be a big deal. Best of luck and I hope everything works out well for you.

04-20-2008, 07:56 AM

I hope you'll get more responses to your question from those with personal experience.

From what I've read anyway, hair regrowth after WBR is variable from person to person.

But, I don't recall anyone saying that their hair didn't regrow in some form or another. Only that, for some, there were areas of no regrowth. And that was frustrating in itself for them.

My hair loss in spots, from focalized radiation, did completely regrow.

Unless you look great bald and/or it 'fits' with your personality, hair is a VERY big deal. I've so far avoided tx's that cause hair loss since mets dx. Once was enough to deal with... in my opinion :o)

Best wishes to you,

04-20-2008, 06:56 PM
I was also told that my hair might not grow back. Yikes! It was more troublesome for me than the no-reconstruction after mastectomies. It is such a visual thing that tells everyone you come in contact with that you have cancer.

Mine grew back (very slowly) with only a small patch in back that is thin. I had WBR in Jan/Feb of 2007. I was able to go without a scarf comfortably by October or November 2007.

I know everyone is different, but don't believe that it can't happen. Mine came in very, very curly. I have always had straight hair, even after chemo.

By the way, I had innumberable tiny brain mets. They said my brain was seeded. With WBR, Tykerb and Xeloda, I went from innumerable, to many, to 5, to 3, to 1 (my last brain MRI) that is very small (3mm) and getting smaller.

I hope this gives you some comfort.


04-21-2008, 04:56 AM
Thanks to those who have added their experiences or thoughts on WBR. Love my doctors, but it sure is nice to hear from those who have actually experienced this.

I'd love to hear more!

04-21-2008, 04:58 AM
I'm praying that the next scan will show NO more mets!!!

Have you had any memory or cognitive issues?

04-21-2008, 12:37 PM

I have no cognitive or memory problems.


04-21-2008, 06:59 PM
My sister had WBR, lost her hair, and it grew back. She has since had multiple Cyberknife radiation treatments, and still has a full head of hair..... so there is reason to hope your hair will return too. (This from Emmay - away from home so posting remotely)