View Full Version : Tykerb and Antidepressants

04-18-2008, 11:17 AM
Does anyone know which anti depressants are acceptable to take with tykerb? Thanks, Ceesun

04-18-2008, 03:30 PM
Hi Ceesun! Nicola took 50mg of Trazodone at bedtime each night while she was on Tykerb. It's an antidepressant, but they had prescribed it for her for her insomnia, and at that time she was on a clinical study for Tykerb/lapatinib, and they were really watching what she took, so I know that what is probably ok. Check with your doc to get all the other side effects and info. That's the only one I can be sure of. Someone a few months ago mentioned Effexor, but I can't remember if they were on Tykerb or not. Best wishes, Bill