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01-19-2008, 11:16 PM
I had a lumpectomy 2 years ago and am still having pain with the scar tissue in my breast. The lumps are attached to my pectoral muscles and sometimes it gets so painful I can feel it radiating in my back. I try to massage it to loosen it up an that helps some but not for long. Does anyone else have this problem and do you know if there's something that can be done. My oncologist said any cutting to remove it would just cause more to grow....sherryg

01-20-2008, 12:09 PM

I have extensive scar tissue from mamo and a subsequent staph infection that runs from sternum, below mamo area and around to my back. It has been the source of all kinds of soreness and pains. I am currently taking Neurontin which helps tremendously, but I hope in time I will be able to lower the dosage until I can stop taking it altogether. I am hoping that over time my problems will lessen. I do agree with your onc that more cutting will probably exacerbate the problem.

I hope that you will be able to find relief or that the problem lessen for you.

My best,

01-20-2008, 07:11 PM
Oh yes, I have the pain for sure. I just saw my surgeon as a follow up on my port removal and asked about the shooting pain I get. Sometimes it really hurts. I might not have it for 2 days in a row, and them bamm, I can have 10 attacks a day. My shooting pain comes from my the area of the axillary dissection. The surgeon described it as major surgery and he had to take out so much. He said that I will probably have the shooting pain forever. I wonder if having so much pain has worsened my lymphedema. It has gotten so bad that I have to go up almost 2 shirt sizes to accommodate my big ugly arm. I wish I knew how to tell you to get rid of it. All I know to do is stretch it out until it goes away.

01-20-2008, 07:45 PM
I know I've said it before so sorry for saying again but going to pilates twice a week - using the reformer - has changed my life. I used to have SO much pain.

ANYHOW...on the advice of my plastic fantastic surgeon I tried pilates and the low impact stretching works. If you can find a pilates or yoga or physical therapist who can tailor a program to gently begin to stretch you out it will help. It's been 3 years for me and even now if I stop going the pain returns. As an example I have not been in the studio for about 3 weeks because of my neck probs and my everything is killing me. One day back (last week) and things quiet down. Another benefit of pilates is the long lean frame!

Regarding the lymphedema - there is a specific lymph massage that you can do every day along with keeping the arm wrapped which should help contain the swelling. There is an expert on lymphedema in Santa Monica CA.
Dr Iker - here's the link:

01-21-2008, 04:59 AM
Hi Sherry. I too have terrible pain in the areas of my lumpectomy. It hits me out of the blue most times. It has been more than 2 years for me and still it hasn't subsided. My doc told me that it will tend to come and go as long as I have scar tissue. Hope it subsides!

01-21-2008, 06:22 AM
I too had pain in different areas from surgery and reconstruction. I went for an hour massage and told her about the pain I was having and it just so happens she had just completed her Myofacial release training. I have to say it did hurt some, but in the end the pain was gone. Here is a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myofascial_Release

I hope this can help some of you as it did me.

Joan M
01-21-2008, 07:39 PM

A friend who had a lumpectomy was told that a possible side effect of a lumpectomy was shooting pain in the back. She will get this pain occasionally. All of a sudden it will comes out of nowhere.


01-25-2008, 08:36 AM
Yes, I too have post surgery pain and discomforts. I find it is best to relax, keep moving with gentle exercise, not straining the surgical area with too much activity, and warm water therapy in the shower or whirlpool. Medically, gabapentin or neurotin and SSRI like prosac or zoloft can interrupts the pain receptors too and may help.