View Full Version : Tykerb/Xeloda the "tamoxifen" for HER2?

11-16-2007, 08:20 AM
An acquaintance of mine who had HER2 bc was recently diagnosed with a local recurrance six months after finishing herceptin. She is now on tykerb and xeloda. Her oncologist told her that next year there is going to be an announcement that tykerb and xeloda will be used for her2 breast cancers the way tamoxifen is used for er+ breast cancers, i.e. as a maintainence drug for the prevention of recurrance.

Just curious if any of you have heard this? I finish herceptin in May of next year so I am hoping this news is released before then.


11-16-2007, 10:54 AM
hmmm - interesting. I haven't heard that. Will do some asking around. It's possible we may hear more about that at the SABCS...

11-16-2007, 09:05 PM
That is very interesting news Paris. I will also finish Herceptin in May 2008 - maybe this will be announced at San Antonio.

Let's keep our fingers crossed...

all the best

11-17-2007, 01:59 PM
That is interesting, I've heard of being on Herceptin for 2 years and a few stories of longer than that. It would be awesome, if it could be taken to keep the little buggers at bay. I've heard that some of the side effects with Tykerb can be pretty dreadful in some people and so far the Herceptin seems to have little to none...

Take care

11-17-2007, 02:37 PM
Hi All,

First of all, Brenda, love the new picture!

I had not heard this either and wonder if it was misinterpreted or misstated. Did your onc mean that it would be maintenance for Stage IV women? That is how it was presented to me - I would be on this until it stopped working.