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View Full Version : A bit anxious...........

Mary Jo
10-30-2007, 08:35 AM
Hello her2 friends,

Yesterday I went in to see my GI doc to discuss the results of my colonoscopy. I will have a follow up, flex. sig., in January to make sure there is no residual tissue left over from the pre-cancerous lesion that was removed but started to bleed. Anyway, while her and I were talking I told her I was way more anxious over the results of my abdominal CT scan and was thankful that all was normal. She went back in to read the results and said "yes, they said it is well within the normal limits and there were no significant findings." "They did find a cyst in your liver though, but say it is only a cyst." Hmmmmmmmmmm! Now that scared me a tad. I had a PET/CT scan almost one year ago and a cyst in my liver was never mentioned.

I did put a call in to my oncology nurse and oncologist this morning to question this and to make sure that they can be that certain that it is only a cyst.

Geez!!! Just when I think I can "rest" something pops up. Oh well. I guess I should concentrate on the fact that they said it was a cyst and not a suspicious area or cancer. I will try.

Love to all,

Mary Jo

Mary Anne in TX
10-30-2007, 09:02 AM
Oh, yes, Mary Jo, do focus on the good news! They'll chase you down if they find some questionable stuff to brood over! Give yourself that well deserved break from worry and have some fun. ma

Faith in Him
10-30-2007, 09:26 AM
Hi Mary Jo:

I have a cyst on my liver too. They can tell it is fuild filled and not a mass. My report read: cyst not a lession. I have read on other sites and found that liver cysts are very common.

But, I know how you feel. Very thing can be scary in our world. Praying that you are feeling better about this and can enjoy the rest of your day.


10-30-2007, 10:03 AM
This is what I have been dealing with since before BC. I have been assured by all my doctors that there is no reason for concern and because I don't know any better I am taking their word for it. I can really relate to your concern though. I have Chron's Disease and had to have a large portion of my colon removed in May.. I am currently having persistent cramping and am miserable but I can't seem to get anyone to care. If it sounds like I am whining, I am. However, I haven't heard of anyone dying of abdominal cramps per se so I will learn to live with it. I do know what to look for in terms of the serious stuff as I am retired operating room nurse so I do feel comfortable with what is going on although I may not like it.
Here is what my abdominal CT scan have said re liver lesions.
Love & Hugs
Scattered small low-attenuation lesions are seen throughout the liver. The largest lesion within the left hepatic lobe is compatible with a simple cyst. There is no evidence for intra- or extrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation. The spleen, pancreas and adrenal glands are normal. Multiple small bilateral renal low-attenuation lesions are identified, too small to fully characterize by CT criteria.
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Multiple low-density lesions in the liver which are compatible with cysts. Several have slightly increased in size compared with prior study. Largest lesion is compatible with a simple cyst measuring 3.1 x 2.1 cm in the lateral segment left lobe of the liver. This compares to 2.5 x 2.1 cm previously.
LIVER: Stable 3.2-cm oval lobular cyst in the lateral segment, left lobe. Numerous additional subcentimeter low-density lesions throughout the liver are unchanged and too small to characterize, but probably represent cysts.
LIVER: Multifocal low-attenuation liver lesions, the largest of which has a polylobulated 3.0 x 2.4-cm cyst in the lateral segment, left lobe of the liver. No new focal liver lesions are seen.
LIVER: Again seen is a 2.4 x 3.0-cm low-attenuation lesion in the left hepatic lobe compatible with a cyst. There are numerous other low-attenuation lesions scattered throughout both the right and left hepatic lobes ranging in size from 2-6 mm in size. All of these additional lesions are too small to characterize. They are not significantly changed in the short interval.

10-30-2007, 10:49 AM
Marejo - I have something on my liver that on PET/CT looks like a cyst... but is a hemangioma (a little cluster of blood vessels) or as my onc calls it, a birthmark on my liver. Don't stress too much over it! But do stay vigilant and ask them to follow up...

10-30-2007, 12:50 PM
Like so many have said, this is normal for many people to have a cyst or2...they just dont ever know it, because unlike us, they don't get scanned every time they turn around....you are asymtomatic....try not to worry...you'll get gray hair and look like me.....oh, I forgot, I used to have gray hair when I had hair!

10-30-2007, 12:55 PM

It sounds like cysts on our livers' isn't uncommon. I hope that you won't worry too much. They will keep a good check on you!


10-30-2007, 04:28 PM
Count me in on the liver cyst. I had one noted on my first scan after diagnosis and was assured it was just a "cyst." Best Wishes.


10-30-2007, 04:56 PM

Try not to worry about the cyst as that is undoubtedly exactly what it is. Just remain vigilant in keeping an eye on it.

Mary Jo
10-30-2007, 05:01 PM
Thank you everyone. Once again I've learned something. I didn't realize people got cysts in their livers. I mean, how it the world would I know that anyway. I know it now though. Haha!

I did speak to my oncology nurse today who assured me that the radiologists who read these scans are very good. In her words "if they say it's a cyst....it's a cyst." I will put it behind me now and forget it's their.

Once again though............................thanks for giving me an outlet to express my concerns and for you all coming forward and sharing what you know. It's such a blessing and a comfort.


Mary Jo

10-30-2007, 08:29 PM
Mary Jo,

Many years ago while undergoing a routine pelvic and transvaginal U/S they found a cyst on my gallbladder. I had no symptoms, nothing.

So they just watch it - it's about 8 years now. Nothing unusual.

all the best