View Full Version : More woman choose double Mastectomy...

10-23-2007, 05:27 AM

Interesting article regarding the choices that woman are making.


10-23-2007, 07:29 AM
My oncologist and my surgeon both told me that there was not scientific evidence that bilateral surgery would decrease my chance of recurrence. But, I personally, am still happy that I chose this option over just removing the breast with stage II cancer. Sure seems to work well having two perfectly matched prosthesis. And I just got two very gorgeous, frilly but wonderful new bras from my speciality shop. You can even see the lace thru a nice blouse.

Works for me. I will ask Tiptoe what she thinks when she arrives.


10-23-2007, 08:14 AM
At the time of diagnosis my other breast was also found to have "suspicious areas" that would require further testing, biopsy, watching, etc. I decided I did not want to spend years watching and wondering. If it was showing compromise, I wanted to deal with it then. Turns out not to have had cancer but I am still relieved not to always be worrying about it. My surgeon is normally conservative but agreed with my decision As did a tumor board. So I am at peace.
But the article was interesting...

10-23-2007, 03:26 PM
I too had suspicous areas in the unaffected breast and opted to have it removed. They did say afterward that it had precancerous cells ( what ever that means) glad I went ahead with the surgery.