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10-22-2007, 01:01 PM
It seems like we all are requesting prayers these past few days, so I would like to add myself. I go in tomorrow for a biopsy. There are 12 tiny spots clustered all together. Most likely calcifications but they are removing the entire area and going for margins as well. Hopefully I will get results back by Friday. Can't believe it could be cancer so close to treatment. It has not even been a year since the surgery. I am keeping very positive but would like some reinforcement please. Thanks, Kriss

Mary Jo
10-22-2007, 01:05 PM
You got it. Prayers and encouragement being said for you as I type.

Dear Lord, Please be with and bless our Kriss with your peace and calm as she awaits a biopsy and test results. It is so frightening when we go through these things as we know you understand. We are asking for benign calcifications to be the result and we leave it all with you. We know you already know so we will rest in that and trust in You. We ask all this in Jesus' Name.


Mary Jo

10-22-2007, 01:33 PM
AMEN!!! I am in agreement with that prayer...Just remember God is in control.

10-22-2007, 01:45 PM
You are added to the prayer list. It will be a long week for you. Not knowing is the hardest part. Benign calcifacations is what we are all hoping for. Keep that new puppy close by.

10-22-2007, 02:16 PM
Put on your save the tatas shirt for good luck....I am praying for you that it is just calcifications...the wait is so hard....just know you are in my thoughts....

Stephanie B.
10-22-2007, 02:26 PM

I am returning the prayer to you. I know everything will be ok. Keep us posted.

Stephanie B.

10-22-2007, 03:46 PM
Kriss, with sister mj leading the prayers, all will be well. hang in there.

Much love

10-22-2007, 04:06 PM

MareJo's prayer is right on. Thinking of you and praying now.

Hugs and Prayers,

10-22-2007, 04:09 PM
Dear Kriss

I am thinking of you. Since my mom and me both had this done, you will have to wait for results a couple of days because it is not like your tumor - where it is big enough for a pathologist to at least say its cancer or dcis (although not all the prognostics like ER, PR etc). Regardless of what it is, it will need to be closely looked at because it is so small so we will all wait and pray with you.

Love, Becky

10-22-2007, 04:10 PM
You have my prayers also!

10-22-2007, 04:16 PM
KRISS count with my prayers too...

10-23-2007, 05:05 AM
Kriss, I will keep you in my prayers. The waiting for the results is always the most anxious time. Try to remain positive thinking!

10-23-2007, 05:07 AM
Having you in my heart all day, close to all my positive thoughts and prayers. Hope the biopsy goes quick and that waiting for the results is even quicker!! Sending Love>>Believe51

10-23-2007, 05:10 AM
You are in my thoughts and prayers too.

10-23-2007, 05:30 AM
You are in my thoughts and prayers are with you!


10-23-2007, 05:52 AM
Said a prayer & good thoughts headed you way Kriss!
Please keep us posted.

10-23-2007, 05:59 AM
Kriss - I wouldn't be to worried. with Mary Jo saying the prayer in that habit, I am SURE God has to listen!!! we are all in this together...

Mary Anne in TX
10-23-2007, 06:53 AM
I join Mary Ann in her belief about Mary Jo's "Habit" prayer! May the time go quickly and may the outcome be only favorable! God bless you! mary anne

10-23-2007, 07:53 PM
Hear our prayers, O Lord.
Inclinde thine ear to us,
And grant us thy Peace.


10-23-2007, 08:27 PM
Kriss -

Will be thinking of you this week and hoping the week goes fast. We all know how hard the waiting is.

10-24-2007, 07:28 PM
Kriss-prayers for you. Cathy aka Ceesun

10-24-2007, 10:16 PM
Kriss, any news yet? I've been sending positive thoughts your way that everything will be ok.

10-24-2007, 10:41 PM
Thinking of you and saying a prayer...

10-24-2007, 10:47 PM
You have my prayers also.
Best Wishes....

10-25-2007, 11:20 AM
No news yet. They said most likely Friday, but hope to have it no later than Monday when I go in for Herceptin. That way Onc can start if need be. But there will be no need for that. I did take my bandage off today.and was very surprised to see a 2 1/2 in incision. I would have thougt it would have been smaller for such a tiny cluster. Oh well, I will just add the scar to my new Frankenstien look. 1 1/2 years ago I had no scars on my torso. Now I'm up to eight!! I wonder how many more I can rack up.

10-25-2007, 11:24 AM
I am glad you are having the nasty little calcs removed. I hope all is negative, and I think it's a gopd thing to have them out. I had calcifications for years before diagnosis and doctors told me not to worry about them. I ever have calcification again, I am going to nag my doctors to take the little troublemakers out.

10-25-2007, 09:24 PM
Just said a prayer for you. I'm hoping it turns out to be nothing..sherry

10-25-2007, 09:31 PM
I have been a little out-of-pocket, but I am still praying for you. Please let us know the results as soon as you can. Best wishes. I wish you peace.