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10-02-2007, 01:04 PM
I don't know who else reads this comic strip, but one of the main story arcs will be concluded on Oct. 4th with the death of Lisa from metastatic breast cancer. The strip's author has created Lisa's Legacy Fund for Cancer Research and Education. Here is a link to the website with information: http://funkywinkerbean.com/legacy.html The strip's author, Tom Batiuk, is a cancer survivor.


10-02-2007, 02:25 PM
I've been reading this strip for a while now and I think he is handling Lisa's death so honestly and tenderly--it's been hard for me to read and watch her suffer (yesterday when she lost her vision and could not see the leaves changing colors just broke my heart)--it's funny how attached we can get to a silly comic book character, but I applaud Tom for setting up a fund in honor of "Lisa" to help others in the real world.

10-02-2007, 06:03 PM

I am a long time reader, and remember when Lisa was in high school. I thought Tom was brave when he wrote Lisa's original diagnosis into the strip. I agree, yesterday's panels were particularly moving. I think we get attached to the characters because they are complex individuals, facing a lot of the issues we are all asked to deal with in life. I look forward to the book that chronicles Lisa's story.
