View Full Version : Winning the lottery, metaphorically speaking

08-21-2007, 09:57 AM
I met with my oncologist yesterday for the first time since my mastectomy Aug.9. I am just beginning to feel better. I am having problems with tightness in my shoulder and arm and have been cranky because I have had a lowgrade fever that comes and goes and really bad chills. I do feel better today and hopefully tomorrow I will get my staples out and maybe the drains. To get to my point. The pathology report showed nothing in either the breast or any of the lymph nodes. My oncologist is wonderful and though English is not his first language he is very creative in getting his point across. Don't get me wrong, his English is very good. He just approaches things differently. He sat and looked at the results for a moment or two after I made a silly joke about losing a perfectly good breast, he is very serious and I tend not to be. Then he told me that in a percentage of women, that have the neoadjuvant treatment, the cancer seems to melt away. In his words, I may have won the lottery. We will still have to watch my liver,etc. While mine wasn't really meant to be neoadjuvant, it seems to have worked that way. In addition, all the scans they have done recently have been negative. So I am beginning to feel very lucky and very blessed.


08-21-2007, 11:37 AM
Leslie, what wonderful news! Thanks for sharing--maybe you should go buy a lottery ticket now??

08-21-2007, 07:02 PM
Leslie, I hope you have nothing but negative reports from here on in. Looks like your body really responds well to therapy. What wonderful news. I am so happy for you. Peace be with you. Karen

08-21-2007, 07:41 PM
Leslie - that's great news! And your description of your doctor brings to mind Robin Williams' character in 9 months when he played an OBGYN...LOL