View Full Version : 5th TCH and Hanging (so far)!!!

08-21-2007, 04:05 AM
Good morning! Ooo, it's early for me here. Have to love the antivan/steriods combo, in which the ativan wears off first! It is Day 5 after treatment 5, and I am doing my best to stay sane...

I was going to put this under my 4th TCH thread, but I thought it might be nice for others like me (who have a fit with the search function) to be able to poke around and see what the #treatment was like for others. I hope this is okay.

They decreased my Taxotere dosage by 25% to hopefully get some relief from the neuropathy in my feet. Not sure if it is working or not--I haven't really been up on my feet enough to notice a difference.

Reflux was pretty bad yesterday, so I took Tagamet and Rolaids when I needed them. The Tagamet didn't seem to work as long this time, but I didn't go back on the Protonix, as it didn't seem to work AT ALL last treatment. My husband works with MS patients, and he can't figure out why it would work for them and not me. Well, at least there is something that does! To a point.

My mouth is getting funky--I have found that I prefer Tom's toothpaste and Biotene mouthwash. I think the Biotene toothpaste produces a lot of saliva, which makes me queasy. We shall see.

It's hot as hades here in Georgia, but we had snow the day before yesterday--lovely snow from my head! Wow--it was just coming out in droves. I was hoping that it would stay in this little buzzy faux-haux. Did anyone keep any of it?

My period is gone, which saddens me. It's just one more thing that makes me feel like less of a "girl" (which I am at only 35, so don't tell me any different-LOL). I hope it comes back. However, I am wondering if I have to go on Tamoxifen if it doesn't and my ovaries aren't producing. I will have to look into that. I think I have posted that I have three embryos on ice, and all that is just another can of worms I can't open yet. I just have to get through this first.

I wanted to thank you for all of the support after #4. I really feel that I would NOT have done #5 if I hadn't had the notes from you, and gone back and read what most of you had felt in your older posts!

My steriod protocol is different this time, so hopefully I won't be begging and maniacally posting later in the week. However, I know if I do, someone will be there.


08-21-2007, 04:26 AM

Now you only have one more treatment to get through. I remember well what the steroids did to me. I'd be wired up for days and then all of a sudden - WHAM - it was like walking into a brick wall. You're almost at the end now so hang tough you can do it.

08-21-2007, 10:48 AM
Krista.....Good for you...Almost there!!! Proud of you!!

BTW< while on TCH, this is the song that I really related to and listened to it on my ipod. It would motivate me to hang in there, ride it out, and look for those grey skies to turn to blue again.

It is called Bad Day by Daniel Powter.

I use to listen to it a lot during chemo but that ended in May. So yesterday at the gym I happen to listen to the song once again and it brought a smile to my face because not only did I do it all, but life is good and I feel great.


08-21-2007, 12:47 PM
You betcha, we'll be there if you need us. I am so glad you got No. 5. The next one is the last one. Marvelous.

08-21-2007, 06:40 PM
Dear Krista,
Your almost at the finish line....hang in. The very worst is over.
Remember your beauty as a woman is still with you....chemo or no
chemo it can not and will not rob you of that!

Get some great books and CD's while your resting to pass the time.
Your doing it girl...so be very proud of yourself!


08-21-2007, 08:24 PM
Thanks so much!!! I have been spending the day working on my store's website, which in hindsight is not the best thing to try to concentate on with my short-term memory loss chemo brain! My designer is probably about to stop responding to my questions!

I love, love, love to read but just can't stay on task with a book this week. As for music, I have been working on a soundtrack of "my life" for my son, which might sound a bit morbid, but those are the things you think about and want others to remember about you--whether you are here or 95 and still dancing along...

Take care,