View Full Version : HELP! WHOLE BRAIN METS=Anyone Having Stomach Problems???

08-17-2007, 12:32 PM
(BRAIN METS not whole brain mets...thinking of radiation again!!)Hubby has still not started chemo due to some severe stomach problems. I have read in several places that this is a side efeect of BRAIN METS...can anyone elaborate on this??

Anyone else having this issue??



Barbara H.
08-17-2007, 01:14 PM
Of course, I can't say for sure, but I think that his stomach problems are from the radiation to the hip. I would consult with his oncologist, and radiologist to see if he can receive some medication to relieve this.
Best wishes,
Barbara H.

08-17-2007, 01:20 PM
I think it was from the pelvis too, cannot wait until doctor comes back from vacation. Again, maybe this is the area in the pain that controls pain, keep you posted>Believe51

08-17-2007, 01:46 PM
brain mets don't usually cause stomach problems but the treatment for the brain mets can in the longer run ie, steroids given to decrease swelling in the brain can cause ulcers. Also, from what I understand, radiation given which passes through the abdomen and pelvis cannot help but affect the parts of the Gastrointestinal tract that lie in the way (they try to apply the radiation with pinpoint accuracy, but areas around what they are aiming at do get some radiation and the cells which line the GI tract are some of the fastest multiplying cells in the body (and therefore among those most affected by nontargetted chemotherapy and radiation therapy. As I recall your husband was waiting to get on Tykerb/Xeloda, as we all know from the "diarrhea diva" that at least one and perhaps both of these can cause diarrhea and other GI complaints.

Hope some of this helped.

PS is he on any other meds (Pain meds or otherwise) which he might ask to
try an alternative to to see if his stomach complaints improve. Many pain meds bother the "stomach" ie, cause nausea, stomach pain,bloating or cause lower GI complaints such as diarrhea or constipation.

08-17-2007, 02:54 PM
Hi Sweetie,

If it gets too bad I wouldn't hesitate to call the Oncologist on call and let them know what is going on. Hopefully they can answer some of your questions and do something to help. Have you tried the BRAT diet to calm things down a bit?

I haven't had any major stomach problems since having WBR and being on steroids other than pain in my liver from liver mets which is starting to get better, hoping it means the Xeloda is starting to work already. I did have some nausea last night that was pretty intense though, luckily my Zophran took care of it pretty quickly. The Xeloda hasn't caused any diarrhea but Tykerb sure did. I was living on Immodium throughout the day and night.

Sorry that I am not very helpful. I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you both and praying that Ed starts to feel better soon so that he can start on his next treatment plan.

Be sure to keep us posted.

Love, Hugs & God Bless,

08-17-2007, 03:55 PM
What are the stomach problems? Gas pain/acid reflux; Stomach aches; Diarrhea; Irritated stomach lining; or all of the above? Can you easily identify the symptoms? I agree that you need to work with whatever doc is on call... and hopefully your friends here can help figure out the best soothing solution. I know:
*Nexium/Protonix or digestive enzymes for gas/acid reflux
*Immodium, Bentonite clay, Carob powder for diarrhea
*Glutamine (not only helpful for neuropathy) for tender/irritated tummy

Andrea Barnett Budin
08-18-2007, 01:14 PM
Marie, honey, Please be specific, as Brenda asked. Stomach spasms or general pain, diarrhea...????? The stomach lining does get eaten away. I had that and developed Irritable Bowel Syndrome w/Taxotere. Never had a stomach ache before in my life. Then during and after, I had the IBS daily till '05. '98-'05 I'd take up to 20 Imodium in a day, just to try and control the problem. I was terrified to leave the house. I turned myself in to the onc, about Imodium. He thought and asked, then what happens, when you stop it? What happens the next day? I am normal, I said. Okay! Then go for it, he said. I was afraid to exceed the no more than 4 a day warning, but was desperate.

The Oxywhatever for pain helped. It has codeine in it. Another onc told me, if in doubt, take it! If nothing else, the codeine will help stop the diarrhea. Librax helped the spasms, but taken every 6 hrs makes you groggy. Donnatol is good sometimes for less of a problem.

Wobenzym N (2 in AM and 2 in PM, not as recommended on label) changed my life. My NY onc nutritionist gave m that one. After Wobenzym, I was sick only 1 o 2 days a wk vs 7 days a wk. I stocked up so as NEVER to be without. It became a lifesaver!

Then, Effexor, to stop my hot flashing (and did not) DID stop my IBS -- after 8 yrs of suffering. It was so wonderful, I stopped the Wobenzym.

Also, probiotic Lactobacilius Asidopholus (taken twice a day) has finally relieved the horrible all day gas pains all but completely. They were so bad I'd turn ashen and think I was dying. Honest. Now, a distant memory.

So, I HOPE and PRAY this helps Ed get some quick relief! There is absolutely no reason to suffer, my oncs always tell me. You've just got to find what works for you. And fast. Enough pain. Please let us hear how things are going, Marie -- for Ed, and for you. YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH. This is remedyable (how do you spell that anyway?). We love your fighting SPIRIT. http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/gstres/objcts/hammerHere's to getting this #*!? thing hammered...!


08-20-2007, 02:01 PM
Hubby has mostly pain, some of it gas that he cannot get rid of. Nausea, no extreme loose stools or constipation, and major spasms. I think the thing that bothers him most is the spasms which we have under control somewhat. His chemo schedule is delayed and that alone is causing him depression (he has very rarely been depressed in life, a bit with the dx, but mostly being behind schedule with chemo). As you all fine folks know, it has been a total of 4 months off chemo. We have almost made it to a safe zone, but the cancer fought back with a vengence.

Watch out cancer.....

Here We Come.....and we Believe!!!! See eveyone in NED!!>>Believe51

08-20-2007, 06:17 PM

Gas can cause some severe pain, I had this problem after coming home from my recent CAT scan. After my scan I had severe gas pain (from the contrast I had to drink) and I was very tired & I tried to lay down and take a nap but the pain kept getting worse. I am not one to call a doctor for every little thing and will endure most things until I can't take it no more! I finally called the doctor and I wanted to know what I could take for it and he suggested just walking around the yard a bit. So I did and the gas pains were relieved within minutes. If walking doesn't help ED, I would not wait till the doc gets back from vacation. Call the your doctor's office if there is another Onc working there and ask him /her. Or call the nearest hospital ask to talk to the Onc on call. By all means don't wait any longer.
Please keep us posted on Ed.
We are praying for you both.
Keep BELIEVING my love.

08-30-2007, 02:18 PM
you've probably already learned what you needed to know, but I was told the stomach issues were related to the steroid decadron I had to take for the WBR. I didn't have any problem, but many do...


08-31-2007, 07:09 AM
Michele, you and your family are in my prayers. Blanche