View Full Version : CT scan of chest shows mass in breast

Hazel Joyce
06-20-2007, 08:27 AM
I went to the emergency room 3 weeks ago because of chest pain. They did a CT scan of my chest, among other things. I went to pick up copies of my reports today and noticed that the report says "3.7 x 2.0 cm irregular mass left breast, suspicious for malignancy." I had a tumor about that size removed 6 months ago.

Could this be fluid or scar tissue, or has the original tumor grown back that fast? Has anyone had a breast tumor show up on a CT scan?

UPDATE: The nurse practitioner just called. Apparently, this is scar tissue that is showing up. She said this is why "CT scan of the breast" is not used as a diagnostic tool for breast cancer. Whew!

06-20-2007, 12:05 PM
Wow Hazel,

That must have been a terrifying time until it was clarified! So glad it is all okay, you would think they would make a note on the chart to that effect instead of "suspicious malignancy possible".

Have a great day now that you can breathe easy!


06-20-2007, 12:35 PM
Hazel, I bet your heart just sunk when you first heard that news. How scary. But I am so happy you got some GOOD news and its nothing to worry about. Thank goodness. I'm glad they got back to you quickly so you didn't have to sit and worry about this. What a major relief.

Sending happy thoughts your way. Enjoy the day. :)


Caroline UK
06-20-2007, 04:14 PM
Hazel, I'm smiling as I write this, imagining your massive relief to hear from the nurse practitioner - good on her for getting in touch with you so quickly and giving you such good news. Phew indeed. I think these things can remind us how fragile we sometimes feel underneath.
Have a great day and rest of the week, and a fab weekend enjoying the relief.