View Full Version : Hi Sheila - Wondering

Mary Jo
06-15-2007, 04:21 AM
Hi Shelia,

I posted this message last night and this morning it is gone. Not sure where it went or what I did wrong. So, if it turns up twice that's why.

How are you dear friend? I started my day with a prayer for you yesterday and today and am surely hoping all went well and you are doing well.

Can't wait to hear from you.

Consider yourself hugged,

Mary Jo

06-15-2007, 05:17 AM
Mary Jo

I spent Wednesday with my friend as I knew I may not get over to see her for a few days. She is barely alert, just hanging on by a thread...even the hospice nurses were amazed that she is still hanging on...it is hard on me each time I leave but this time seemed harder as I knew I wouldn't be back for a few days, and didn't know if this would be the last time. Ironic that I am beginning a new battle as hers is ending. I always wake her enough to clean her teeth and lips while I'm there....she questions why, and I always say you never know who you may kiss today!" That always gets a grin out of her. Thanks so much for your care and support...I think I told you, her name is also Mary Jo...the treatment was a long day but went well I posted the details above in your other post.

THanks Again

06-15-2007, 09:14 AM
Sheila, Your friend Mary Jo has such a beautiful and suppoertive friend in you. I have prayed for her and hope that she has peace. This is just a feeling I have since I don't know her family, but is she waiting for permission to leave? My step father who had ALS and then a stroke, hung on until my mother assured him how much she loved him and that she would be O.K. and gave him permission to proceed to his next home. He died within the next half hour very peaceably. Not a suggestion and don't want you to take this wrong. I will pray for her and you.
Hope your new treatment went well and will be a success!


Mary Jo
06-15-2007, 10:06 AM

Remember Jesus' washing His disciple's feet as a way of showing His love and servanthood? Well, you are just like Him in the special love you show your friend, Mary Jo. One couldn't ask for a more dedicated friend. Cleaning her teeth and lips ~ what a special friend. I pray Peace, comfort and that eternal rest for her.

Glad you are doing well and pray only the best for you.

Mary Jo

06-15-2007, 01:27 PM
I explained just that to her family....that sometimes the dying need to be told it is OK to let go....her older sister and her daughter said they couldn't say that to her. So I did, but she is still hanging on, guess she needs to hear it from one of them.

06-15-2007, 03:11 PM

You are truly and amazing person. How much strength and grace you exhibit. Thank you for keeping us posted. I am sending extra prayers your way.

Love, Hope, and Peace,
