View Full Version : Deja Vou?

06-13-2007, 08:09 AM
I'm one year out from my diagnosis as of May 22.Everything has been going pretty well. I had my first mammogram since all of this happened, on Monday. I got a call that there is a cluster area on my other breast and they want to do a stereotactic biopsy. Oh my God, I feel like it's starting all over. This is the same area they did the stereotactic biopsy on last year and it was B9. Now I have to go through this again. I've just been wondering with all the toxins and chemo and herceptin I've been on, how could this happen? I thought that the herceptin was to keep this from happening again. I keep thinking that maybe the herceptin isn't working. I'm scheduled for the biopsy on Monday the 18th and sure not looking forward to it. I'm still getting the weekly herceptin infusions every Friday. I'm scared because this area is in my left breast and that's very near where my port is. I must sound like I'm babbling, I just can't believe this, same time as last year, when does it end? Does it ever end? I don't know if I can do this again. Please keep me in your prayers.

06-13-2007, 09:16 AM
if this is also benign, you will be one happy camper

if this is not benign, but DCIS, you will have caught it early and be cured

if this is not benign, but a her2negative breast cancer, you will have caught it early and hopefully started on another treatment specifically for whatever type it is (now you know enough to get EGFR tested if it is triple negative, etc)

if it is not benign but is her2+ then you know early on that herceptin was not going to do it alone and you can add something (?tykerb) to your treatment

Most patients who don't respend to herceptin only find out when their cancer recurs, when their prognosis is much worse

View this scare like a canary in a coal mine, helping you become aware of and sort out your situation early and thereby increase your chance of survival

There is always another way to look at things!

06-13-2007, 09:22 AM
You are in my thoughts and Prayers. I hope your biopsy comes back negative.

Sending you Hugs

Leslie's sister
06-13-2007, 10:28 AM
Take this one step at a time. Lani has given you excellent advice. (Lani, you think alot like I do!) You are on top of this and regardless of the results of your tests, you will be able to make informed decisions. You are armed with knowledge which has a calming effect and you have all your Her2 sisters praying for you!

06-13-2007, 02:23 PM
THree women in my support group have had the same thing happen. All benign, thank goodness. I hope you are benign too. I agree with leslie's sister. Whatever the result, you are on top of this. My one year mammo was all clear, but if they ever spot something I know I will live on tranquilizers until I get the results. A big hug to you.

tricia keegan
06-14-2007, 01:31 PM
I agree with Lani on this but can understand your fear of it returning and will be wishing lots of good wishes for a benign result,good luck and keep us posted!

Mary Jo
06-14-2007, 08:03 PM
Hi Susan,

I understand totally how you feel. The same thing happened to me. I was diagnosed in June of 2005. I had my right breast mastectomy July 28, 2005. Starte chemo Aug. of 05 and finished that Nov. 05. Continued on herceptin till Oct. 06. Did radiation Dec. - Feb. and the day before my radiation ended I had a mammogram and they found a suspicious cluster of calcification that they wanted to biopsy. OH MY GOSH. I was petrified and like you, couldn't believe I was going through this again. I cried through out my stereotactic biopsy (a little bit of a pity party I guesshttp://www.her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif) I was absolutely convinced it was breast cancer again. Thankfully it wasn't. I had my left breast removed the following month as I was not going to go through this every 6 months.

Like Lana said, it probably is benign BUT if it isn't, you got it very early. That is a good thing.

You can get through this. You are strong. They are being cautious and that is good thing. It's probably nothing but your fears are understandable and felt my me.

Praying God's Peace to surround you Susan.


Mary Jo

06-14-2007, 10:35 PM
Dear Susan,
I had the samething happen to me after one yr. and I had the biopsey also.
It was benign and more than likely so will yours. The dr. are on top of the
situation and I would rather have that - then find out much later if there
is anything to be concerned about. Half of this battle is staying ahead and
as much on top of it as you can, hence the mamo's. I have met so many
woman who have told me that they do NOT have mammograms because they
are afraid...I can't wrap my mind around that. I am afraid of not knowing
if something is going on.

Try to think positive - and please know that we are all praying for you.
Pleased let us know how you are! All good wishes are being sent.


06-14-2007, 11:58 PM
I also had the same thing happen at my 1 yr mammo. I went in for a surgical biopsy after a core biopsy failed due to location and they did another mammo with a bunch of new angles and they discovered the calcifications were 'scattered' instead of 'clustered'. I had a follow up MRI and I was given the all clear. I can completely relate and understand how you are feeling but also know that there are many of us who have come out of the same position with a sigh of relief. I hope that everthing goes well for you. I will be praying for a good result and also a sense of peace for you.

I have my year 2 MRI tomorrow and it is always stressful, especially after that scare, but it does get easier, little by little by little. it feels like learning to trust your body again.
