View Full Version : Hair Loss With Abraxane/Avastin Combo

06-12-2007, 11:47 AM
Just wondering if anyone can give me insight on this...I was a little shocked when the Dr gave me a script for a "cranial prosthesis" yesterday....even the chemo nurses said it will be gone in a couple weeks....just wondering if anyone else has and experience on the hair loss thing, if at all and when to expect it.
Thanks...I ask the ones who have already been there to get a straight answer.!

06-12-2007, 12:38 PM
Hi Sheila -

We know that we all lose hair differently.
My friend who was on this combo had only some hair thinning. It still looked good, but a little dry when she went off the same drugs.

I suppose it will depend on how long you will need these drugs as the longer you are on, the more likely the hair loss, from what I understand.
Guess it is better to be safe and have "backup hair" if you wish alternative to hats and scarves.

Let us know how it goes, ok?

06-12-2007, 12:46 PM
Thanks Steph

I just got the call that my insurance approved the drugs at no cost to me...now I just need them to work. Thursday can't come quick enough. By the way, how is your Dad doing?

06-12-2007, 01:11 PM
Isn't Abraxane part of the taxane family of chemos? Alot of people lose their hair on these. For primary BC treatment, I had taxol, and lost all my hair.

Hopefully this won't be the case for you, but like Steph said, probably better to be prepared just in case.

06-13-2007, 08:47 AM

I, too, don't know about abraxane, but was told when I was going on taxoetere that I would lose my hair - the nurses warned my not to shave my head as I planned to do, and to wait and see - they were right, and I only had minor thinning...

Let us know about abraxane, and we'll be thinking of you this Thursday.

Kind regards,

06-13-2007, 09:14 AM
I lost all my hair on Abraxane and Carboplatin. My friends on Abraxane have all lost their hair as well. The hair will start to grow back around the third month of chemo, its neat to see the chemo fuzz hair. Avastin does not make your hair fall out. I was on it for 6 months and the main side effects were bloody nose or gums and headaches.

The prescription will help pay for the wig for sure. The American Cancer Society offers free wigs be sure to have a look there. They also have the Look Good Feel Good program for those on chemotherapy. It is a wonderful program you will get makeup tips and free products.

I wish you the best.

06-19-2007, 02:30 PM
I was just going to ask the same question, although I am just on abraxabe, and my hair has been coming out by the handfulls! This is my week 1 of the 2nd cycle....scans July 12th

06-19-2007, 03:18 PM
Sheila, after 8 weeks on Abraxane(receiving it weekly with daily Tykerb), my hair was really really thin, and I was shedding everywhere I went so my husband shaved my head this last Saturday. I'm relieved, and have my wig out but mostly wear scarves and hats.

I'm not saying that your hair will get as thin as mine, we all react differently. And maybe I wouldn't have lost it all, but it was driving me crazy so off it went.

<3 Lolly

06-19-2007, 04:25 PM
And now the saga has changed as I am not getting Abraxane, but Taxol instead, weekly, so I think the hair is a done deal. My second treatment is Thurs.

Adriana Mangus
06-19-2007, 05:08 PM
Hi Dede:

In your profile did you mean 5-07?

06-19-2007, 05:23 PM
Sheila, Taxol is definitely going to raise a ruckus with your hair, darn!
<3 Lolly

06-20-2007, 02:51 PM
oops...yep, guess 5/09 isn't here, yet

06-20-2007, 04:05 PM
How are you tolerating the Taxol? I tolerated it well (although my hair didn't) but the premeds were a drag. You're not driving back to Morris after treatment, are you???

For the hair, there's a cancer center at my local hospital which has a good supply of hair - and I would go over there and just shop for free hair! I was mostly fairly conservative but I did have a red bob which was great for when I wanted to go incognito - even my husband couldn't recognize me in that! Some weren't so good - there was one that made me look like June Cleaver.

I think you should get at least one outrageous head of hair. With your coloring you'd look great as a blonde bombshell.

06-20-2007, 04:42 PM
You are so right...the premeds make my goofy/ I think you are right...maybe a blond...tomorrow is my second treatment....I better get my but in gear looking for hair!

Kathy S in Tokyo
06-21-2007, 12:28 AM
Sheila, it looks like were on the same regimen now. I started Taxol two days ago in addition to my weekly Herceptin. I think I'll go get a very very short haircut to minimize care and clean up in 12 to 14 days, when I'm told to expect to start shedding.

Two days after the Taxol I'm feeling a little yucky but it may be due to the heat and humidity in Tokyo. Blech. No hair may be a good thing this summer. I can't imagine wearing any of the wigs I accumulated last time I lost my hair (last year) in this heat so I'll probably be doing bandannas and hats except when I have to teach three afternoons a week.

Good luck in your hunt for hair.

06-21-2007, 02:37 AM
I am getting ready for round #2 today....we'll see how this one goes...just mostly tired and in "slow motion", I think from the premeds last time.

Mary Anne in TX
06-21-2007, 04:17 AM
Hi Sheila!
Hope your day goes well! I hope that the nurses are pampering you and making the treatments as good as possible! And may your hair loss be matched by the death of many cancer cells! Victory to you and the very best of hair search adventures! You'd look great as a blond! ma

Kathy S in Tokyo
06-21-2007, 10:53 PM
I agree, the pre-meds seem a little exhaustive. I managed to get home OK on the train on Tuesday and had a slow but not so bad day on Wednesday. Thursday was when things seemed to catch up with me though and I felt bad all day with no appetite and a run-to-the-toilet a couple of times explosive digestive system (at the exitting end :-) ). I had to do lots of things that day and it was draining. To change my mood a little, I went to the local barber shop and asked them to give me a very very short haircut so that some of the hair loss which will probably start in another 10 to 12 days will be easier to deal with. Funny how choosing when to dump that clump of hair on the barbershop floor felt empowering in a way. It is very comfortable today and I feel much better all around (whew, what a relief!).

I hope day 2 was smooth sailing for you and that you got to have a nice long nap during infusion.

06-22-2007, 04:13 AM
I had a great nap after, slept all the way home and them another couple hours when I got home....I went to bed at 10pm and at 3:30 this morning I was still wide awake.....my hair was tingling, actually my whole head...I like your ides, I think short hair before the weekend is up. Hope you feel better on the big T.

06-22-2007, 06:32 AM

any reason they switched you to receive taxol instead of abraxane? I just had to switch chemos because of the addition of bone mets, and I'm taking abraxane now (3 on/ 1 off), and just had my second treatment, but my scalp doesn't feel tingly and I'm oddly hoping despite all of these prior posts that my hair won't fall out - it's likely one of the last treatments I can take and I really didn't want to have to end things with the baldness and wigs again... Well, keep us posted and we'll see what happens!


06-22-2007, 07:25 AM
I'm on weekly Taxol/Herceptin - 2nd treatment coming up on Monday. My onc. told me hair would thin and may not come out before week 6 or 7, so I've delayed thinking about a wig.

My first treatment didn't go well - had heartburn and high BP, so the treatment was stopped and I had to come back the next day. I've really been dragging since then. I hope I can get through 11 more of these. My onc. even mentioned doing 16 of them, but I don't think so!

What bothers me is so many of my side effects (also mentioned by other women) are due to the steroids and pre-meds, not the Taxol! Which would have made Abraxane a much easier drug, but my onc. was being conservative and saying Taxol has all the data behind it.

take care all,

06-22-2007, 11:00 AM
Actually the Abraxane seemed to rate higher with much fewer side effects, but my Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL with Exelon/ComEd refused to pay for Abraxane because the cost was 5 times higher than Taxol....so I get the Taxol, more hair loss and more side effects from premeds...but I guess the premeds are necessary every time as their is a high incidence of reaction to the cremafor that it is mixed in. Thge second treatment was much less tiring, but then I didn't get the Avastin with it...next week is Taxol, Herceptin, Avastin...a long day in the chair! Hope I get one by the window...I can look out and see the Sears Tower and the United Center where the Bulls play/