View Full Version : Great News

Adriana Mangus
05-31-2007, 08:14 PM
I got the BRCA 1,2 yesterday and am negative..Yeah!!!!!

Need no longer to worry about my beautiful daughter... I already called my sisters....They are happy for me. Praise the Lord!!

05-31-2007, 08:35 PM
Adriana, I had that test done about 2 years ago, and I was also negative. I wonder if it has any special meaning for us BC patients, or is it just an indicator that it is not a genetic issue.

06-01-2007, 12:11 AM
Big Congratulations! That is excellent news. That must take an extra load off you. Now go out and celebrate. :)


Mary Jo
06-01-2007, 04:05 AM

I'm happy for you too. That must have felt like a huge weight lifted. Thanks for sharing.

Mary Jo

06-01-2007, 05:31 AM

I am so happy for you....each piece of good news is savored by all of us.
Lots of Love

Andrea Barnett Budin
06-01-2007, 12:24 PM
First, Yeah Adriana -- negative! I have 2 beautiful daughters and 2 magnificent granddaughters and my negative news (Sept '06, 11 yrs after being diagnosed initially) was a cause for elation. Had it been pos, I would be faced w/doing another mastec and hysterec, my doc said, the chance of recurrence being that strong. As well, my daughter, granddghters, sister and niece can breath a great sigh of relief. There chances of getting the gene would be enormous if pos. I have read twice that the HER2+ gene is not hereditary, which is also encouraging. My dghtrs are 37 and 39. They had base line mammog in early 30's, when I was initially dx. Now my 39 yr old is going to begin her annual mammog. They self examine ev mnth. "I" NEVER HAD A LUMP! Mine was lobular. My entire left breast felt "spongey", weird, harder than usual. I was turning 50. Had my Aug mammog (which showed NOTHING), thought this new thing was perhaps part of getting older. Always examined myself for lumps, peas, marbles. This was maybe a cyst I thought. Would need surgery to remove. Never that cancer. But would attend to it when I returned from Fla winter to NY. Moved my mammog up to early July. Went to GYN. The rest is history. NO ONE EVER ADVERTISED THAT BC COULD LOOK AND FEEL LIKE THIS (9cm hardness). PEAS and MARBLES I thought. (I've since been told by a wonderful woman radiol that they hate lobular. IT HIDES. YOU CAN'T SEE IT ON MAMMOG. YOU CAN'T REALLY FEEL IT -- UNTIL IT'S HUGE. And therefore, advanced. Which meant I had 4th stage infiltrating lobular carcinoma + 2 nodes and needed a mastec, reconst and chemo. Then the Her2+ thing came (betw '95 and '98 when I had multiple mets into the liver).

By the way, it was ME who questioned 3 sets of ev 3 mnth comprehensive bld tests showing "VERY slightly elevated liver enzymes. I wouldn't worry about it" 2 diff docs said. I finally said I AM WORRIED. I WANT A "LIVER SONOGRAM". You mean an abdominal sono. I guess we could justify that. Okay. Then the radiol said after looking and looking -- I'm really sorry but I have to send you for a CT scan to get a better look. I'm not sure what I am looking at. Then the scan. Then the biop. Found by ME! With 3 or 4 docs on the job. All brilliant. LET THAT BE A CAUTIONARY TALE. We must be proactive, involved and on the case! Stay strong all... With loving energy, ANDI