View Full Version : Raised cholesterol - Arimidex?

Caroline UK
05-17-2007, 05:28 AM
My blood cholesterol level has gone up since I've been on Arimidex, and I was wondering if this has happened to anyone here? What can I do about it, if it isn't diet related, but also, is there a good resource that someone could tell me about, to look up a good cholesterol-lowering diet? I think I eat quite well, lots of salads, olive oil, tomatoes, not much meat etc. Would exercise and de-stressing activities like yoga help?

05-17-2007, 12:19 PM
Increased cholesterol can be a side effect for some women on Arimidex. Lipitor can be prescribed. I am not sure a diet change helps this out.

I have heard that Aromosin does not have this side effect but if you have this side effect with Arimidex, you will with Femara as well.

05-17-2007, 04:36 PM
My sister is on Femara and experienced a jump in cholesterol. She is now taking Lipitor.
