View Full Version : Tumour Markers

04-30-2007, 07:41 AM
Help, my tumour markers are going up. My CEA's were 1.5 then they went up to 6.8 and then to 12. My doctor has ordered a ct/petscan for Thursday and I am a nervous wreck.

Mary Anne in TX
04-30-2007, 09:07 AM
Vanessa, others things can make our markers go up! Mine did that for about 6 weeks about 6 months ago. Here's hoping that your is from some silly something else!!!! Best wishes, ma

04-30-2007, 09:16 AM
I am glad that your doc pays attention to tumor markers. My rising markers have always corresponded to new activity in each of my 3 recurrances... and we have found all of them very early, giving us more options to knock it back. Not to scare you or suggest that this is the same for you, but I had a bone scan and torso CT in late FEB that showed nothing new. Whew. Then, about a month later, my markers started inching up a bit. Coincidentally, the marker movement was right at the same time that we had decided to do an MRI of a known spot in my neck to measure it (and while we were going to be in the area, I asked the doc to do an MRI of my brain for good measure) - well, that's when we found the 3 small brain mets... which probably explained the rising tumor markers. Then we followed with a PET of the torso which revealed a new left chest spot, very small, that did not show on the CT.

If your body scans don't show anything, it might be a good idea to be a bit more thorough and look at the brain, too. Just for good measure.

And listen to MaryAnne, too - often it is nothing to do with cancer that can make them fluctuate. I might be an anomaly when it comes to tumor markers...

04-30-2007, 09:35 AM
Thanks to both of you for your responses. I think I will also ask for an MRI of the brain. Also, just for some relief, what are some other things that might cause tumour markers to rise. Thanks again.

05-01-2007, 11:05 AM
Just wanted to bump this up and ask again, what other kinds of things might cause tumour markers to rise. Thanks again for input.

Mary Anne in TX
05-01-2007, 11:24 AM
Vanessa, I tried to find the article that I read recently about the CA27-29 test that I get each month but couldn't find it quickly. Here's what I do remember - it can be effected by kidney disease (I tuned into this because I had kidney disease as a kid and kidney stones in college), too much caffeine, stress and I can't remember the other diseases (not so serious of ones as I remember). I'm so guilty of the caffeine and stress problems and am hoping that is my problem as my markers won't seem to go very low yet after 15 months of treatment!

I had to really search the internet to find good information on CA 27-29, but it did help me get more peaceful about it for now. I know that it may be recurrence, but until I know something for sure, I'm going to believe it's something else for now.

Best of wishes for good news. ma

Mary Jo
05-01-2007, 02:13 PM
My onc. doesn't do tumor markers, so I'm not quite sure how that all works. But I DO understand the stress of tests and waiting and my heart goes out to you. Here's a hug from Wisconsin just for you and a special prayer said for you for Peace.


Mary Jo

05-01-2007, 03:14 PM
Hi Vanessa,

I read back through your posts and I saw that you had scans if Feb. It sounds like your doctor is being careful and doesn't want to "guess" whether it is "nothing" and what might be causing the rise in your markers. So now, you are getting scanned again.

I can relate to your concerns. I don't know what to do about the fear I feel when I am told I need scans or during my quarterly scans. It makes me so upset I can hardly get through the day. I recently finished CT and Bone scans that looked good. Then the MRI came back with a questionable area on the spine...then I had slightly elevated markers and a new tiny lump on my neck...now what? More scans...PET and more MRIs. So, I am trying to keep myself out of the funny farm until we figure out what is going on.

I guess that what happens as a Stage 4 BC warrior is that we insist on the best care and being closely monitored. As a result we are aware of every blip on the radar. This is nerve racking but it is a part of staying "on guard". We are warriors and cancer is the enemy. We will not allow it to sneak past us again undetected if we can help it. If and / or when it sneaks back in we will chase it away and beat it back. We hope for false alarms and cry our way through until we have more answers...at least that is what I do. This business is not for the faint of heart.

I wish you peace and good results. You should know soon. You are not alone.

Love, Peace, and Hope,
