View Full Version : Neurontin

04-25-2007, 08:34 PM
For over a year I dealt with the aches and pains from Herceptin, Arimidex and Lupron, hoping for lessening side effects when Herceptin ended in December. Unfortunatly, when Herceptin ended, I also had to switch to montly Lupron and the side effects increased!

Last month my onc put me on Neurontin and I have had a marked improvement. Still have stiff joints after sitting for a while and upon waking, but a lot of the other aches and pains have subsided significantly. I have hope that this improvment will continue.

I wanted to post this for others who may wish to explore Neurontin as an option.

Glad to be here, glad to be NED! and glad to be feeling better!
Vapor info (http://johan-luis.tumblr.com/)

04-25-2007, 09:53 PM
Thanks for mentioning this, Sassy -

I also had good success with using Neurontin during both my courses of chemo - first round and for mets. It did me a lot of good and helped me sleep when I had the severe flu-like symptoms from Taxotere and then later Taxol.

Would highly recommend this drug to ameliorate side effects. In my case I did not need to take it very long - a couple of months or so each time.

04-25-2007, 09:58 PM
I wonder (as I change from Taxol/Herc to Tykerb/Xeloda) if Neurontin would help me with the left over stiffness. Or if Tykerb/Xeloda will come with it's own set of aches and pains that Neurontin would help with... hmmmm.

04-25-2007, 10:16 PM
I have been taking Neurontin for about 1 year now to help with the neuropothy. My rad onc prescribed it when I told her I was having severe pain especially at night in my legs. It was to the point that I didn't know if I could go on.I had neuropathy all through my chemo and it got really bad during radiation. My onc said that I probably will always have it considering it is still a problem it may get somewhat better. Anyway, the first night I took it I was expecting to wake up as always in excruciating pain after about 2 hours of sleep. I woke up the next morning at about 4:0 am with no pain! It was such a relief!

04-25-2007, 10:30 PM
I am on Neurontin for the lingering pains that I have with the shingles that I came down with in January. I found it very hard to take in the beginning, it made me very sleepy and dopey feeling. I take it 3 times a day. It's gotten a little better but I still feel a little drugged and dizzy at times. It helps some with the shingle pain but not as well as I would have wished. These pains I'm having are worse than anything I had while on chemo. I tried other things for the pain but went back on Neurontin because it seemed to help the most, still dont like the way it makes me feel..sherryg683

04-29-2007, 11:47 AM

I am sorry you are still having pain from the shingles. I have some friends who have been thru this and know it can be significant.

Luckily I have not had the sluggishness or dopey feeling (some might say I was dopey anyway!) with the Neurontin. My body is fighting mightily to come out of menopause, and monthly Lupron shots are keeping me on a roller coaster. The Neurontin has helped even this out somewhat, although I am very emotional the day or two after my Lupron shot.

Hope things get better for you.
Brunette live (http://www.girlcamfriend.com/webcam/brunette-girls/)

04-29-2007, 12:21 PM
Brenda, I was surprised that after my chemo, radiation I was extremely stiff when getting up from a chair. I had a slight shoulder injury arroudn that time and the orthopedist prescribed 200 mg. daily of Celebrex for that and all of a sudden the stiffness went away. So you might try that too.


"I wonder (as I change from Taxol/Herc to Tykerb/Xeloda) if Neurontin would help me with the left over stiffness. Or if Tykerb/Xeloda will come with it's own set of aches and pains that Neurontin would help with... hmmmm.
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