View Full Version : UPDATE....2 days post Mastectomy...

04-21-2007, 09:40 PM
Hello Everyone.... Thank you all so much for the thoughts and prayer and good words. I wanted to let everyone know how I am doing. I had surgery on THursday at about noon...Surgeon said everything went well...did have to cut one nerve that went to the back of my arm...no biggie...I guess just numb. I wont know the status of the lymph nodes until Monday but anxiously awaiting that news. I must say that feeling my now flat breast with the badages on really seemed okay... but yesterday when the surgeon came in to check on me and removed the bandages.... I saw such an ugly sight..... I looked up at my husband and just sobbed and sobbed...I really thought I was emotionally prepared for the loss...but seeing it and how ugly it was and so painful.... But I have had lots of positive affirmations....from those around me that love me.... I know this is all temporary too... I will have reconstruction after I am finished with my chemo which will be this time next year. It amazes me how well prepared I thought I was.... and in reality I wasnt at all. But I love coming here to this place of acceptance and refuge and hear your stories and the things that helped you all through your war on cancer. Glod Bless you all and all your family members that have walked the road with you.... as even being there for someone else is not the easy road....my husband is there with me every step of the way and I know his part even though he is not afflicted himself is just as rough.

04-21-2007, 10:08 PM

You got through it! You sound so strong and brave. (I did not even fully look at my scar for two weeks.)
You are on your trail of recovery, it will get easier with time. Take very very good care of yourself!

Love and prayers.


04-22-2007, 08:33 AM
I am three weeks out from my surgery, and it does get easier. I have a lot of pain in my arm from nerve damage, and I still take a pain pill to get through the day, but each day I fell stronger and more like myself. I was very glad to get the drains out 8 days after surgery! I went shopping last week and bought some lose shirts from J. Jill so I don't have to wear a bra. They all rub right where the drain site was. I am (was) small breasted so hopefully, I can do without a bra during the hot months to come.
Get lots of rest, eat well, and know that it Does Get Better.
Partner in Recovery,

04-22-2007, 09:07 AM
You do sound strong and very wise...cause YOU ARE! The surgical processes in this disease are overwhelming and I am always amazed, I mean really AMAZED, by the strength women have to go all the way through it. Your healing sounds as though it has already begun and that power obviously resides in you!

Get lots of rest and let people wait on you for awhile!

04-22-2007, 11:22 AM
Dear Tricia,

So glad to hear from you and that the surgery went well. You are one strong
lady - I hear you roar all the way! Your husband sounds like a blessing and
you are lucky to have him supporting you through it all.

I am glad the prayers are helping...will continue to keep you in my prayers
for a speedy healing...

Blessings and Hugs,