View Full Version : ???? about Mona Vie Drink

04-10-2007, 05:56 AM
Goodmorning everyone. As many of you already know, I am the "resident" Breast Cancer Diet worshipper and am so used to doing it know that I actually am able to get 13-16 fruits and vegetables in my diet without any effort (NOW there's no effort, in the beginning I thought "oh my gosh, how am I going to do it", but as I told a friend yesterday, it is all in the Phytochemical shake (which has 4 fruits and veg...I don't care for garbanzo beans on salads, so I put them in my shake) and a salad every day for lunch except 1 which is my "treat day"...usually Sunday... and the salad has between 3-5 veg...Monday I add the artichokes and shiitake mushrooms and the basic salad is the greens, tomato and cruciferous vegetable) as well as a fruit with my breakfast and lunch, 2 veg with my dinner and maybe another fruit for dessert. 2 of my friends have become distributors for 2 different "health drinks" one Kat also promotes...Juice Plus and a new one I just heard about Mona Vie. I've done a "little searching" for info on both and know very little about them. I wouldn't mind trying each (though nothing could convince me to give up my diet...I know my personal feeling about that vs. supplements, health drinks etc, but I will keep my feelings to myself as I also feel that everyone needs to do what makes THEM feel happy and I won't sabatoge anyones opinions) and would mostly be doing them "as a friend" to TRY them, but would like more information on them. Thanks everyone. Take care and God bless.


04-10-2007, 02:31 PM
Funny... I was just talking to a tree farm owner today that is growing the plant that provides the "mona-vie" you wrote about. From what I was told, the current Mona Vie product on the market is not pure "mona-vie", its 20% of the phyto-chemical and 80% juice of apple or cranberry (mostly from concentrate). Like many of the "this will prolong your life" products out there, I am hesitant to endorse anything. They are just potions with savvy marketing skills. Vitamins in a bottle that go rancid if exposed to oxygen. (which is why they need to be refrigerated as soon as you open a bottle).
Seems to me your healthy approach to eating is probably the best thing you can do. If you want phyto-chemicals, you are getting them in the stuff you are already eating!
Another thing about the mona-vie type juices is that they come predominantly from countries that have no restrictions on pesticide use... so, how healthy is it really?

Maria (MTS)

04-11-2007, 06:48 AM
I take juice plus pills, I have a lot of allergies to fruits and vegies and I can take the pills without problems. I had to quit taking then during radiation, But now back on them. It is a whole food product one with veggies the other with fruit. It is sold by individual distributors, price is not too bad and my 6 yr old gets chewables for free. www.juiceplus.com (http://www.juiceplus.com). It has helped my skin, gums and overall feeling good.

04-11-2007, 12:53 PM
If you search for "criticism of Juice Plus", you will find a lot of articles discussing some of the problems with this product. I had a friend who wanted me to start taking it, and after reading the articles, I wouldn't waste my money on it.
