View Full Version : laparascopy for ovaries removal

04-05-2007, 09:23 PM
I have a tubal ligation and an endometrial ablation. Now I will be removing my ovaries through a laparascopy. All done here.

Question is how quickly is the recovery period for this and will there be bleeding if I am no longer mestruating and I have all the other stuff out already.

thank you


04-06-2007, 08:13 AM
The recovery is a breeze and mine was alittle more complicated because my surgeon had to remove scar tissue from a previous C-section to get at the ovaries. Also, I had a D&C because I had been premenopausal and menstruating prior too (plus my gyne wanted a full biopsy of the endometrial lining and that's the only way to get it). There was alittle bleeding (vaginal) but it was only due to the D&C. You shouldn't have any with just the oophorectomy. For me, it felt like I had done 100 too many sit ups.

A couple of days of rest was all that was required (if that but they will tell you not to lift stuff etc and I always say - listen).

If you have any other questions, let me know. It's been over 18 months for me now.

Big hug to you

tricia keegan
04-06-2007, 02:20 PM
I had my oophorectomy last August and recovered in just a few days.

I did have some pain but it was managable,I also had some bruising but have spoken to who hav'nt so that must be just me!
I had no bleeding after it and although I had a lot of hot flashes for a while they did subside.
Good luck

04-06-2007, 05:55 PM
Thank you for responding. I called my ob gyn. There should not be vaginal bleeding due to the ligation and the ablation.

Thank you both for being here for me

God bless

MCS ( maria)

04-06-2007, 07:11 PM
Maria, I had my ooph last year. Hadn't had a period in 3 months prior due to chemopause. My gyn told me I may have one last shedding/period. Nothing. The surgery was a piece of cake- the incisions tiny. My discomfort was from the gas they inject to do the lap. I probably had a little more than you will because I had my gall bladder removed also. After a couple of days all was well, but now I know why colicky babies are so pissed off.

Good luck!

04-06-2007, 08:41 PM
I just had my ooph yesterday (Thrusday). Got home the same day and all is fine. Very little discomfort at all. Little sore...but I can tell in a day or two I will be totally fine. The worse as mentioned is the gas they pump you up with. That has caused me alot of neck and shoulder pain. As to bleeding...I've had none.
