View Full Version : Shingles anyone?

Mary Anne in TX
03-30-2007, 08:47 PM
I got the anti viral med upped a bit when I visited the onc. today! I have pain pills too and ladocaine patches, but the itching is still nerve racking. If you've had shingles, can you put anything on the spots to stop the itching? It's a pain, but is only temporary! thanks for any input for the itching! ma

03-30-2007, 08:49 PM
I had shingles shorlty after I had a lumbar spine fusion. I know the pain you are experiencing!! You can put calamine lotion on it but I found rulygel worked much better. Hope the shingles clear up soon.

Mary Anne in TX
03-30-2007, 09:10 PM
thanks Kate! Do I just get rulygel at the drugstore or do I need a prescription?

03-30-2007, 09:48 PM
Hi Mary Anne,

I had shingles on my lower left chin and neck this past November '06 - came out about a week after my cancer diagnosis. I got on the antiviral drugs within the critical 48 - 72 hours after the first lesion came out.
I got relief from the itching from clear pure aloe vera gel. I think it also helped to minimize any potential red scarring. But my lesions weren't too bad because the antiviral meds really knocked them out for me.

Hope you are feeling better, like we don't have enough to deal with?


03-30-2007, 10:41 PM
Please don't mention that word. I broke out with shingles in 3 pathways (my doctor said he had never seen that before, it usually travels down one) at the beginning of February. It was excrutiating, the rash is gone but I am still having TERRIBLE lingering pain from it, I was told that a small percentage of people will have these pains that linger and that it could last up to a year. I wake up every morning in pain and go to bed with pain, and wake up in my sleep because the pain has migrated to my scalp and it feels like I am sleeping on thorns. When I get stressed, the pain gets worse...to put it lightly..I am miserable right now. The lidocain patches did absolutely nothing. I have been put on neurotin which seems to help some and makes life somewhat bearable but it also makes me feel drugged and tired and I can't quite figure out when to take it to minimize my pain but not interupt with my life. I also have to take loritab for the pain. I went to a neurologist who told there wasn't much that could be done for the lingering pain but take my pain pills and neurotin and wait for it to clear itself up, again..it could be a year. I forgot to say that I had another flare of the rash about 3 weeks ago on my surgery arm and breast. I was put on the anti viral medicine immediately on both occaisions but it didn't help these lingering pains. I pray that you do not have pains that last this long. I really feel worse now than I did while on chemo...sherryg683

03-31-2007, 01:06 AM
What causes shingles?

Mary Anne in TX
03-31-2007, 02:31 AM
Shingles lie dormant from chicken pox until you're older (usually over 60) and your immune system is compromised and you are under much stress! While I know that radiation did compromise my immune system a bit, I think the stress really came from doing taxes! Next year I'll have them done a quarter at a time and hand them over to someone else to get stressed!!!

Sherry, my doctor told me that there was a chance that this pain could linger. He mentioned some med for that, but I didn't a listen since I'll see him again in 3 weeks. Bet it's what you take though! I'm so sorry to hear you have this pain on going! I can't imagine! You are so right about the head pains! Ugh! I am taking hydrocodone 5MG/500MG tabs - 2 every 4 - 6 hours and it knocks out the head pain for me. It was the kind you want to jump off a bridge, so I do know what you mean. Don't know if that would work for you, but both my rad onc. and onc. said it takes something really strong.
Best wishes to you on the pain subsiding. And thank you for sharing! ma

p.s. I'm now covered in Caladryl from the top of my arm to the wrist. I'll find some of the other stuff in the morning!

03-31-2007, 09:28 AM
Hi Mary Anne, I am taking hydrocodine for the pain..it does work. I am just so not a pill take and I wait till I am in terrible pain to take it. I guess my fear is that I will get addicted to pain pills. My doctors have told me that is foolish and to take the dang pills..lol..sherry

Mary Anne in TX
03-31-2007, 10:43 AM
Sherry! I know exactly what you mean about taking pills. I have never wanted to nor done many ever, BUT my rad onc is a young woman who takes so much time to explain so much when she sees me. She explained how they work to me and I learned that every time I wait too long, I have to "load up" my body again to get the full effect. I waited over 6 hours last night because I kept falling asleep and didn't want to get up, but I won't do that again. I have learned the hard way how right she is! So I take them faithfully and relieve the pain so that my immune system won't be under so much stress. If I understand correctly, that is what triggers it and we have so much stress with cancer stuff, I figure I have to work hard to allieviate some of the other. Who knows. I'm just doing my best. Thank you Sherry and have a wonderful day! We've got rain to make all the little flowers and palm trees grow in south texas. ma

03-31-2007, 12:25 PM
I just went to the doctor yesterday because ! got this weird rash,pain low grade fever.He said that it looked like shingles but the pattern wasn't quite right for it.He said that it could also be a fungal infection and gave me prescriptions for both!I spent 250 DOLLARS on valtrex yesterday-not even sure that I have shingles-7 bucks on the methyl something or other!Not too happy today but I think one of the pills is working!Diana

Mary Anne in TX
03-31-2007, 12:42 PM
I totally relate!

My part of the bill was $339. Insurance paid the Valtrex and Hydro (whatever) but would not pay the ladocaine patches! Ugh! Everytime I put on a patch I set my mind for "luxury pain relief"!!! But it is better and I just have to talk myself into not getting stressed beyond stressed when I have to pay! Just get me well, please! I've been amazed by the costs this past 14 months!
But I know that I've been cut some slack sometimes too that wasn't really available. Thank you God for the unexpected blessings.
Good luck to you, Diana!
May whatever it is vanish and leave you in peace!

03-31-2007, 01:34 PM
Mary Anne

Try Aveeno Oatmeal baths...they helped my mother alot when she had shingles, along with the valtrex, hydrocodone....the Dr told her they are brought on by stress...many people seem to get them during chemo...lowered immune system??? The are a dormant herpes virus as is chickenpox...it seems soem who have not had chickenpox or had a light case can develop shingles during stress etc...it is just lying there for it's opportunity to nail you! My best friend also got them in the middle of chemo....I do know my Mom said the pain lingered along time after the rash was gone...simple things like hitting a bump while riding in a car...it seems to affect the nerve endings...the good news is the do eventually go away and everyone seems to get them to a different degree. Hope I helped. So sorry you are dealing with this on top of everything else...you think we'd get a break already!

03-31-2007, 01:36 PM
About 20% patients continue to have pain for a long time. This is called post herpetic neuralgia. My husband still has PHN after 15 years when he was tired. His doctor suggested to have surgery to remove the nerves underneath the waist area. No medication seems to work. Surgery does not guarantee the disappearance of pain. So he just suffers.

03-31-2007, 01:40 PM
Rhuli Gel works great like Kate said. It is spelled Rhuli so maybe it will be easier to find.

I hope you feel better soon.

Mary Anne in TX
03-31-2007, 02:10 PM
Thank you more than you can know for your input and caring. Everytime something new comes up, it reminds me how much I don't know. But this board is like a set of encyclopedias! It constantly reminds me that life is really about people, purpose and love. I appreciate you. ma

03-31-2007, 05:48 PM
And can i just add, i know three people who had it well under 60. The most recent being my sister who was 36. Stress brought it on. Hope you feel better soon.

04-11-2007, 01:14 AM
I'm brand new at this but hope this will be helpful. I have now had Shingles
5 times. Mostly get in same nerve track down leg, but also got it about
2 inches away from initial breast biopsy site a few days later. Got it again
during chemo. Usually take Valtrex immediately when 1st. signs appear and
it decreases the severity and length of time of outbreak. I have post herpetic
neuralgia. A newer med. similar to neurontin is Lyrica specifically for the pain from shingles. You may want to try it if the pain continues. It is prescription only and fairly expensive. I have not tried it yet but Iv'e heard
its often helpful. I usually just grin & bear the associated pain because I hate
taking more meds. I also have a very screwed up immune system with many autoimmune diseases prior to my cancer.


Mary Anne in TX
04-11-2007, 05:38 AM
Hi Shelli! Thanks ever so much for your reply. It was so helpful. And are you ever right about the Valtrex - really stopped the spread in it's tracks. I do still have pain, but nothing like before. I've gone from every 4 hours for pain pills to 3 times a day. I see the rad onc tomorrow and my reg onc a week from Friday to talk to them about further pain treatment if necessary. I'll ask about the Lyrica then. I think that the shingles has kicked in lympedema in my right arm or vice versa. Shingles is teaching me to treasure the good days! And to understand how everything I do, eat, drink, exercise, etc impacts my fight against cancer. And most of all to make the very most of each and every day! Thank you so much for taking time to respond!

I can't believe that you have done this 5 times! Whoa!!!! God bless your battle and your life. May it be filled with blessings. ma