View Full Version : Well, not so good and not so bad!!!

Sandy H
03-30-2007, 06:35 PM
I finally made it through the day after 7 hours!! I was surprised at what I heard and yet was prepared for the worse hoping for better! I will try to summarize it and not write a book. The bone scan report was not ready so my oncologist read the x-rays as he does much of the time. It was clean! Now, the cat scan was clean for the organs but showed a small right pleural effusion and a tiny left pleural effusion. He said it could be the cancer or just inflammation. I am sure it is the cancer where we know its in the chest wall. Nothing in the lungs which he said is good! The effusion bears watching. I asked about the swelling I have at the base of my neck in front and he said the report did not say anything so he said he was sure he knew what it was but would run around the corner and look at the x-rays in his office. Back he came and said he was right it is a soft tissue nodule from the skin mets. Now, looks like my pain is from the effusion-not severe but its there and from around my port as it is hard and fused to the chest wall. He just shook his head on that one. So we discussed several options and we decided to go with doxil every 4 weeks. He said I would not loose my hair and the info the nurses gave me said I would. I voiced that I did not like mixed messages and that I felt the doctors should tell the patients that all chemo causes hair loss and than those that don't it would be a wonderful surprise!! The nurses laughed and said I keep everyone on their toes. I also made a suggestion and will put it on the next survey that they do away with appointments and have walk in service. This would save them money not to pay the office help to fill out appointment cards etc. The last two time I have waited well over an hour to see the oncologist. They told me they were looking at that issue. I asked to start the chemo today and the doctor looked surprised and said, "well, if you are ready its not that busy (yet, I waited over an hour to see him of course he was the busy one)in the chemo room" and so we did the first one today. I know there are a few on Doxil, Karen who posted today doing well. Awesome, so good to hear some good news this week as seems I have heard so much bad every where I was getting parnoid. I would like feedback from those as to how they are doing with the side effects. I was told the hands and feet will be the worse. At least, I know why I am having the pain in couple of different areas. One from the effusion-not severe but uncomfortable with shortness of breath when I run upstairs. The worse one is from the port being fused to the chest wall. Hopefully, some of this will resolve with the Doxil. Need prayers it will work. Thank you all for your prayers and support, the personal e-mail messages from several and the comforting phone call from Christine. She can read a post and sense when we are desperate-truly an angel sent from God. Thank you Christine for being there for us. I will call you tomorrow. hugs, Sandy

03-30-2007, 07:12 PM
Dear Sandy,
Thank you for posting after such a trying day! I have been thinking about you and hoping that you'd recieve better news than you seemed to expect.
I am unfamiliar with Doxil...BUT i think that I read something to the effect that if you can keep your hands and feet cold with icepacks during infusions it may lessen/prevent the hand and foot soreness. I am sure someone will gently correct me if I am mistaken.
I will keep you in my thoughts and hope this new "journey" will not diminish your lovely spirit in any way!

Barbara H.
03-30-2007, 07:18 PM
Hi Sandy,
I only know you from this support group, but you have been in my thoughts all day. I am sure you are not happy about starting a new chemo, but are relieved that the news is not as bad as you feared. Nevertheless, when I have been in such a situation, I am first somewhat releaved, and then feel somewhat down later, when I have to deal with the changes in my treatment. I can imagine that you are probably exhausted from your day and full of mixed emotions right now.
I do hope that the doxil works for you (with little hair loss) and puts you into remission.
Best wishes,
Barbara H.

Barbara H.
03-30-2007, 07:30 PM
Hi Sandy,
I'm sure you have already searched for information, but I found a a site on the web that stated that hair loss was a less common effect from doxil. (10 to 29%) I hope your are part of the 71%.
Best wishes,
Barbara H.

03-30-2007, 07:53 PM

Sorry to hear your news but hopefully the Doxil will do the trick. You always have such a positive attitude and I try to take lessons from you. I will keep you in my prayers.

03-30-2007, 08:00 PM
Wonderful News !!

I am really looking forward to talking to you tomorrow. How does 11:00 or 12:00 EST sound?

It looks like you are running the office now.


03-30-2007, 08:21 PM

I am happy to read that you are staying positive. I hope thae Doxil will knock that pesky nodule out!! I hope you are back to feeling tip top really soon!!

Hugs and Prayers,

03-30-2007, 09:38 PM

I only know you through this website, but I was thinking about you all day. So glad you posted, you are a brave woman. Hope that the Doxil will work for you and puts you into remission -
All the best for good results, with as few side effects as possible.


03-30-2007, 09:51 PM
Sandy, thanks for posting about your day. You have been in my prayers, and will continue to be. You have such spirit. You are an inspiration to me.

Thanks and love you.
S. Mississippi

03-31-2007, 12:33 AM
Sandy, I am so glad its not as bad as you were expecting. But on the other hand I wish you didn't have to deal with this at all. I like the way you waste no time and dive right in there and started your chemo today. Your one amazing lady. (I was thinking about you all day Friday.)

Sending you warm healing thoughts, and will keep you in my prayers. One extra BIG cyber hug coming your way. Hang in there Sandy.


03-31-2007, 02:27 AM
I'm sorry to here your news, but as always prayers will continue for the Doxil to succeed. Now, curl up w/ Yoda and take an nice rest. BIGGGG Huggs.


03-31-2007, 05:41 AM
Seven hours well spent to keep you happy and healthy and wearing your new "shoe collection". I myself am also a wacky colored shoe connoisseur Ha Ha.
I always enjoy your posts. You seem like suck a patient person, buy one who doesn't take crap from people and I admire that tremendously. I'll be crossing my fingers for minimal hair loss and sending prayers your way.

Stephanie C

03-31-2007, 07:49 AM

You are in my prayers and I pray the Doxil will help you as it is helping me. I have little to no side effects which is great. I had the hand foot syndrome left over from Xeloda so now I take B-6 everyday and my hands and feet are looking alot better. I have the Doxil every three weeks 70 mgs along with Herceptin. I was there 6 hours yesterday how I hate how long it takes, once in a great while I get out of there within 3 hours and I love those day I feel for you being there for 7 hours. Heres to Doxil and may it kick butt for you!

03-31-2007, 08:32 AM
Sandy - I, too, was thinking about you, Friday, as I had my oncologist visit,also. I had the pleural effusions in December, but my course of treatment was different. I know nothing about doxil, but hope it helps take care of the effusions. I had surgery, but plenty of fluid remaining in my lungs afterwards, when I started on my chemo it began to help immediately. (As my surgeon said, when you treat the source, you should get relief.) My report yesterday was very good and since I have been on chemo, my shortness of breath has gone away. Best of luck to you, and keep that up-beat, positive attitude of yours!

03-31-2007, 01:37 PM

I was so sorry to hear of all the problems, you were our Tykerb angel...or at least to me...I am hoping the Doxil will get rid of the bad stuff...you are a proven fighter, get out the green shoes and start kickin...you are in our thoughts and prayers.

03-31-2007, 03:10 PM
Dear Sandy,

I am so sorry to read your news. You always have a wonderful manner of
keeping things in a great perspective. I so admire you -

I will keep you in my prayers and of course I will think positive thoughts
of the new treatment with doxil.

Best of Luck,

03-31-2007, 06:23 PM
Sandy, thanks for the quick update. Wow - 7 hours, that's like a full time job. I agree with Christine - I can just hear you taking them all to task and setting them straight! Sounds like you have a really great team there (when you keep them in line). Sorry your news wasn't all good, but I'm glad you were able to jump right on it with the Doxil. Hopefully this will work well and quickly for you.

Please keep us posted, and know that you are held in my thoughts daily.

Much love

03-31-2007, 07:15 PM
Sandy, sorry the news wasn't all great, but it seems you have a plan of action in place.

I've never used Doxil, so can't offer any input there, but hopefully the side effects will be mild for you.

Sandy H
03-31-2007, 08:22 PM
Thanks for all your wonderful support here. It really lifted my spirits. I have not worn my green shoes to oncology but I will next time. I have all kinds wild socks for every occassion and so that gets everyone's interest. The nurses and even the doctor check my socks. I tell them that is the wild side of me! Wait till they see my green shoes!! They call me the clown now can you believe that? Oh well, some times we have to create our fun when others are sleeping and having a bad day. That changes when I arrive even the visitors get a laugh out of me. Guess, I have said enough. O yes, I am surprised you can take Doxil with Herceptin??? I thought that was toxic to the heart. Gosh, I would have asked my doctor if I had of know there was any chance to putting the together. He asked me what info I had gotten off this message board and I told him Doxil is at the forefront here. He said he likes that we have always been on the same wave length here. Wishing you all well and I will keep you all updated. Thanks for the effusion info that helps me as I have to research that being new for me. hugs, Sandy

Karen Weixel
03-31-2007, 08:45 PM
Dear Sandy,

Love, hugs and healing prayers being sent your way.


04-01-2007, 06:45 AM
Hi Sandy!

I have been praying for you and will continue to do so.You are so special!! Stay positive, you will do great!! God Bless, Cathy

vickie h
04-01-2007, 10:37 AM
Sandy, I have not yet tried Doxil, though I have heard it only causes hair loss in 20% of users. I was sorry to hear of your results, but I also feel that you are such a fighter and have been so for the past 5 years (far longer than they once gave us IBC patients) and I feel you have many more years ahead. I closely watch your progress as we have the same cancer. I will be starting Tykerb/Xeloda next week and wonder how you did on that. The best treatment I have experienced so far is the Navelbine/Herceptin, but I can't do that forever. I am praying that a new drug for skin mets reaches the market soon. My love and prayers are with you. Pleaase let me know how the Doxil works for you and I will keep looking for new answers to IBC. My friend is in an HKI 272 trial in Colorado (she flies out there every 2 weeks) and said her tumors have shrunk by half and her skin mets have disappeared after only 5 weeks. It is a drug similar to Tykerb. Sending you my love today, Vickie

04-01-2007, 02:38 PM
Let's pray the Doxil does the trick. I wish you an easy time with this chemo and hope you do well on it. Please continue to be the uplifting and positive person that I have come to know you are. You have inspired so many of us here. Hopefully, this little bump in the road will soon be taken care of. Thoughts and prayers sent your way.

04-01-2007, 09:12 PM
Thanks for keeping us posted Sandy. The never ending saga has to be tough. Maybe I'll buy eccentrically colored shoes in your honor. For me. Best wishes, Bev.

04-02-2007, 06:46 AM

Your posts always inpsire me, and I hope your new treatment goes well for you... I had doxil and did not experience hair loss.

I also had it within a few months of xeloda/tykerb, and despite my best efforts to reduce the H/F syndrome, my hands got really sore. Doxil gives the docs a bag with the ice packs, and udder cream, and sunscreen, etc. - we kept the ice packs right there at the office - to be put on the wrists and ankles during infusion...

I had herceptin along with the doxil, with no apparent problems.

Good luck w/ things, and you are in our thoughts and prayers...

04-02-2007, 06:58 AM
Dear Sandy

I am thinking and praying for you. I know you'll continue to push back the nasties and get on with it. I just wanted you to know that I am here for you.

Love and a big hug