View Full Version : Chelee - still out there?

03-13-2007, 11:08 AM
Anyone headrd from Chelee lately. Last I knew she was "battling" her HMO but I have not heard anything recently. Any news would be appreciated...

Love and Light

03-13-2007, 10:31 PM
Hi Mel, I am still hanging in there. Seems I live on the phone lately thanks to the way my HMO and medical group has done me. They can't totally abandon me I found out until I am set-up some where else which I am looking forward too. But there is much to be worked out still. I am mentally and physical exhausted.

But for now...they finally ok'd my surgery for a simple mastectomy for this Thursday. I've been having alot of pain in my remaining breast for 6 months now which they have ignored. I've had to force them to do a mammo, ultrasound and then Mri. They found 4 masses consistent with lymph nodes and they don't seem concerned. (Which I would be happy about if not for the constant pain I have in that breast & axilla.) So I will have this mastectomy Thrusday morning and they will take a look then to see whats going on? Then I have to wait for the results from the path Dept. Should they find something I will go back into surgery again a week later. I pray all this pain is caused from something benign.

Thanks for thinking of me Mel. I've just been a bit down lately...but things will get better. The fighting with the HMO and group is just a bit much. Heck, even the case manager called here the other day to GRILL me before I could have my surgery. (Its a long story, but no one should be treated like this.) Thanks again Mel...your one in a million. You have had your plate full and been so busy with such a BIG accomplishment, one you should be so very proud of…and yet you are kind enough to think of me. What a lucky women Lisa was. I bet she can’t wipe that smile off her face. God bless you.


03-14-2007, 05:36 PM
Know this deep in your soul - you are in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anyway I can be of assistance - ASK!

Love and Light

03-14-2007, 06:13 PM
Mel, Your really too kind. Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers as I can really use them right now. Surgery in the morning and I am nervous...but this too shall pass. :)

Thanks a million Mel


Mary Anne in TX
03-14-2007, 06:20 PM
Best wishes on your surgery Chelee! Hope all goes really well and you regain some peace. Prayers and belief, mary anne

03-14-2007, 06:45 PM
Chelee, I'll be sending my thoughts and prayers to you for your surgery tomorrow. I really admire your spirit and can-do attitude! Thinking of you tomorrow,

<3 Lolly

03-14-2007, 07:19 PM

I am hoping all goes well for your and that you are free from pain and regain peace of mind. You will be in my thoughts.


03-14-2007, 07:56 PM
Chelee Prayers going to out you for your surgery.

03-14-2007, 07:58 PM
Hoping you have a quick recovery. It will be a blessing to get those painful whatevers out of there!

03-14-2007, 08:26 PM
Best wishes Chelee. Hope all goes well and you can rest easier.

03-14-2007, 08:52 PM
Hope your surgery went well and you have an easy recovery. Best of luck with everything. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

03-14-2007, 10:53 PM
Margerie, I had to laugh at your post. (My painful whatevers.) Ha! At this point...thats exactly what they are. I sure hope this gets to the bottom of those *painful whatevers*. Its been a painful 6 months and I want it to come to a end. If this is what it takes...so be it.

I am more nervous now that its "D-Day". It sounded so easy until today and the reality kicked in. I am truly over whelmed by all the warm wishes and support from all of you. It brought good tears to my eyes tonight. Helps me not feel so alone. Thanks so much for all the prayers...I sure need them.

Thanks to each and everyone of you.


03-15-2007, 06:48 AM

Praying that you have good results and a quick recovery.

tricia keegan
03-15-2007, 03:42 PM
Good wishes from me also Chelee for a sucessful surgery and quick recovery.


03-15-2007, 06:57 PM

Hope all has gone well and we hear from you soon.
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03-15-2007, 07:57 PM
Smile Chelee

I hope you are doing well. I am thinking of you.

03-15-2007, 09:30 PM

Prayers and all the positive forces are with you!


vickie h
03-16-2007, 05:14 PM
Dearest Chelee, I am thinking of you today as always. I went skiing for a few days last week and got you email. I am praying for you and sending you my love. You are an inspiration to me (you don't ever give up!) Much love and Hugs Vickie

03-16-2007, 11:00 PM
I managed to get through my surgery. I'm a bit un-comfortable at the moment...but thats to be expected. I had a hard time making a decision to stay at the hospital one night or come home. But I eventally decided to come home to my own bed which was the right choice. If nothing else, you get more sleep at home

I am glad to have this behind me. My chest seems more bruised and discolored this time verses last year with my MRM? Maybe I just can't remember? This was a simple mastectomy and it looks worse? Swollen and black and blue all over...and very sore. Couldn't get my surgeons office today so I will assume its ok? Thanks to everyone for your thoughts, well wishes and prayers...its no doubt what got me through all this. :)


Kimberly Lewis
03-17-2007, 03:44 AM
So happy to hear that is behind you now. Hope you heal up fast and are back on you feet and having fun soon!

03-17-2007, 07:25 AM
Chelee, glad to hear you are back home and doing good.

The same thing happened to me with my Simple Mas. I was more bruised and discolored than when I had MRM and Nodes removed.

03-17-2007, 10:58 PM
Kimberly & Yorkiegirl, Thanks so much for your replies. I am glad to hear I am not the only one that seems to be more bruised up from the *simple* mastectomy verses the MRM I had last year. I know I sure have some questions for my surgeon this Monday if I make it. I have bruising where there shouldn't be any? Way down by the bottom of my lower left rib. Its killing me and doesn't look right? Feels like someone kicked me in that bottom rib. Its all discolored and hard to the touch? Very painful under my left arm & I did NOT have a SNB. So I don't know why it hurts this bad? I can hardly use that arm. Strange? I just want to see the path report then I can really relax. Thinking only positive thoughts :)

Anyway...thanks to ALL for your support and kind words. I really appreciate it so much. God bless you all.


Barbara H.
03-18-2007, 08:40 AM
Wow, Chelee!
You just amaze me with your fighting spirit, and you have had so much to deal with that seems unfair. I'm sorry that you are feeling so sore from your surgery, and hope that you will heal quickly over the next week.
Thinking of you.
Barbara H.

03-18-2007, 02:56 PM
Barbara H., Thanks for the kind words. I do feel like I've dealt with more then my share thanks to many of these un-caring people that are *suppose* to be professionals in the health care field. Its enough to deal with a bc DX...let alone a medical group that won't let a person switch onc so they can get their questions answered and examied. Some thing good *has* to come out of all this...I will just keep pushing forward and some how God willing things will work out. :)

Thanks so much Barbara.


03-18-2007, 02:59 PM

Hpoing for a speedy recovery now that this is behind you...take it easy, know that we are all with you in thoughts and prayers.