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02-17-2007, 01:24 PM
Well, it has been a really long week. Sunday night I developed a fever of 102 and ended up in the hospital with a blood infection. When the dr. came to see me on Monday he had the results of my MRI that we did just as a baseline. They found 3 small tumors. 2 on the right side and 1 on the left side. I have already started whole brain radiation treatments. I will receive 14 days of radiation. I also asked the dr. for a chest x-ray to see what my lung mets were doing. I was afraid he would argue that I had only had 2 chemo treatments and 4 herceptin treatments but he order the x-ray with no problem. The good news is that the tumors have already decreased by 25%. My dr. was so excited.

I have no knowledge of what to expect with whole brain radiation and at this point I don't have the energy to study. If anyone has any information about what I should expect I would really appreciated it. They keep talking about me being tired but no one tells me how tired or how long that might last. Any info will be greatly appreaciated.

I guess I'm still in shock because I haven't really set down and cried. Right now I just feel like a burden to my family. I don't have children. It is just me, my husband of 6 years and my mom. But everything has to be scheduled around my treatments and how I'm feeling at time. Right now I'm suppose to be at a wedding for some very good friends of ours and my husband had to go without me. I guess I just want life to return to normal but there is no more normal. There is just day to day.

Thank you all for being apart of this site and for all you do!

Mary Anne in TX
02-17-2007, 02:14 PM
Hi Angela! You aren't a burden but a blessing. I believe with all my heart that our battles are a witness to others. I'm hoping your 14 days of radiation whiz by and have tremendous results for you. The good news is how well your chemo is working to shrink the tumors you have. Best wishes and know that you bless us with your honesty and sharing. mary anne

02-17-2007, 03:51 PM
Hi Angela:

Please don't think of yourself as a burden. I am sure you are much loved by your mother and husband. You fight with all you have. I know when you are feeling bad, it is hard to look on the bright side of things, because I have been there. If you need to cry, then go for it. I just want to encourage you to win this battle, and know we are all there praying and pulling for you.


tricia keegan
02-17-2007, 04:02 PM
Angela hang in there,fight this and you'll have the rest of your life to enjoy.

I'm sorry to hear your news but please know we're all thinking of you and sending lots of posiitve energy and hugs your way.

02-17-2007, 10:25 PM
Angela, I know you're in shock right now, and as you say, tired from the treatment. Some of the others here have been through WBR and also GammaKnife for brain mets, so I hope you don't mind but I posted an S.O.S. for you as I think maybe some didn't see your post yet. Hang in there, let yourself be taken care of right now. I know you feel like a burden, we've all had that feeling. But I know from what my husband tells me that the one way he feels he can help my through this is to be able to do things for me; shopping, laundry, etc. Otherwise, it would be much harder for him to cope. So let your mom and husband help you because it actually helps them.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

<3 Lolly

02-18-2007, 08:46 AM
Hi Angela,

I finished WBR in late January to treat multiple very small brain mets. This was after being treated for lung mets last year. So...I'll share my experience with WBR.

I had 15 treatments and kept working. Most of my symptoms didn't kick in until I was about finished with the treatments. My hair is falling out like mad now and I'm pretty fatigued. I've used lotion on my scalp and haven't had any pain or discomfort there (with the exception of the hair falling out...I find that's uncomfortable alone). The decadron was tough for me to handle...insomnia, weight gain, GI issues. I'm trying hard to wean myself from the decadron, but the brain swelling causes headaches. I've had to take it slower than I would like.

You'll get through this, Angela! Feel free to e-mail me with other questions.

02-18-2007, 10:09 AM
The fact that you are taking Herceptin at the same time as you get radiation treatment is very likely to make their combined effectiveness greater based on the finding reported in other posts that radiation allows some Herceptin to overcome the blood brain barrier & penetrate the brain.
And your initial report of rapid shrinkage appears to confirm this possibility.

02-18-2007, 11:58 AM

Christine was DX'ed with brain mets in June 1999 and we will celebrate our Silver Wedding Anniversary in June 2008. (She promised to be there.)


02-18-2007, 12:30 PM
Dear Angela,
The positive side is your treatment of herceptin is already working for you....please know I will keep you in my prayers for successful treatment!
I was very touched to read that you feel your a burden....your a kind person
worried about your family. I am more than certain that your mother and husband love you so very much and want to do all they can.
Remember that you would do the same for them. Take the LOVE....


02-18-2007, 07:21 PM
Dear Angela, I know you will receive some good posts from people who can answer your particular questions---I haven't answers, but wanted to let you know you are not alone. Everyone on this website will be praying for you! Please let us know how things work out for you, and let your mom and husband do things for you---it helps them to feel they are fighting with you. God bless with to stay strong and keep on fighting! Hugs, Tricia

02-18-2007, 08:17 PM
I am new to this site but I wanted to say stay strong and know that we love you and we will pray you through this rough time. I also live in N.C. Email me if you feel up to it. Who knows we might live in the same area. Take care Tonya

02-18-2007, 09:37 PM
Angela, please stay strong and fight this with all you have and more. You should not feel like a burden for your mother and husband certainly don't think of you in that way. It is their pleasure to do whatever it is they are doing and it helps them to feel like they can do something, anything. You just concentrate on getting well and never ever give up. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

02-18-2007, 10:08 PM
Angela, as a husband I can tell you... you are NOT a burden to a husband and mother that love you. I feel good being there for my wife as I'm sure your hubby and mom do for you. Eric

02-19-2007, 12:23 PM
You will create a new normal when things mellow a bit after the WBR. But you are right there is only day by day. I'm thrilled your lung mets are responding-that is GREAT news!!! I'm sorry about the brain mets, but the folks who really know about that have given you good advice. I'm sorry you have the miss the wedding. I hope you can sleep a lot and know you are no more a 'burden' to your family as they would be to you if roles were reversed, right? We are not on the planet alone for a reason. So let people take care of you and look forward to when you can return the favor, only hopefully under less intense circumstances.

02-19-2007, 03:05 PM
Dear Angela,

I am sorry to read about the brain mets. However, Christine is such a great example of being a long term survivor of this. I am hopeful that the WBR will not be to awful for you.

And know that you are not a burden. Your family loves you. You would feel the same if it was your husband dealing with cancer. You would do whatever needed to be done to care for him. You are precious!

Hugs and Prayers,