View Full Version : Anyone with a Port that is Hard to Poke?

02-07-2007, 11:24 PM
Has anyone encountered a problem with your port that is hard to poke with the needle. My Chemo Nurse poked it a few times unsuccessfully, a few weeks ago, and said it felt like poking cement. She had to poke it with a fresh needle in another spot.

I have had my port since October 2006. I hope it is not failing. My Onc didn't offer an explaination today. The Chemo Nurse, today, had to also poke it a lot harder than usual.

I went into our hot tub a few weeks ago -- one time since I have been diagnosed. The water was 101 degrees and I only stayed in for ten minutes. Boy, it sure felt good but I hope this did not screw my port up! Please comment.

02-10-2007, 08:58 PM
Susie, I wouldn't think that a hot tub would mess up your port. I regularly use a hot rub and an infrared sauna, and have not had any port problems.

Wait and see if the problem resolves itself, but occasionally a port does need to be replaced unfortumately. Hope things resolve themselves in your case.

02-12-2007, 09:09 AM
Hi Susie,

Your question sounds familiar. Did you post this on another message board, or is it just my chemo brain?

If your port continues to be difficult to access, your onc. can order a test where your port is injected with dye and they can see if there is any blockage.

take care, Anna

michele u
02-14-2007, 05:41 PM
I always tell them to us the bigger gage needle. Mine has been hard at times. Is she just having trouble getting the blood return or just getting it in? I think they really have to hit the right spot. If she is new to doing it maybe her technique is just not right yet. I've had trouble with blood return alot so i told them just to use the bigger needle

02-14-2007, 07:09 PM
I will mention the bigger gage needle. I received a Herceptin infusion today and the needle went in, first try, but the blood drawl was poor. The blood drawl issue has occurred a few times. Thank you all for the feedback

Sandy H
02-14-2007, 07:33 PM
Mine is not hard to insert the needle in but to get a blood draw is. Never know what position I have to be in to get it to work. The nurse said mine moves around and so if it is laying against the chest wall then no blood return. Some times its just breath and hold my breath. Others its standing up or bending over or laying down. We try all kinds of angles. Some times the lab has to get blood from my arm. Have had the dye test done and no blockage. They are great to have but can be frustrating. Only certain nurses will do mine and they are the ones that have the best luck with a long needle. hugs, Sandy