View Full Version : When to call the doc ?

02-06-2007, 02:49 PM
I'm a little at a loss. I'm about a 2 weeks into my first chemo treatment, and have had a sore throat (on one side only) and soreness under that jaw, along with a slight earache, for 3 days now.
Since I'm kind of prone to sinus problems and have had problems with sore throats during winter, I'm not sure if this is something I should call my GP about (being at a low point for white cell count) or just wait a few days and see if it goes away?

02-06-2007, 03:16 PM
My oncologist gave patients aking chemo the name & phone number of his nurse and told us to call her if we didn't feel well, had questions, etc. I would have called her about a sore throat and slight earache.

02-06-2007, 03:28 PM
I had mentioned a few aches and pains to my Onco before I started chemo, and his reply was "I don't know", so I asked him who I should see about those type things and he said "your GP".
So I won't be asking the Onc, although I will let him know if I don't feel well when I go to chemo.

02-06-2007, 03:31 PM
that's always a dilemma for us in treatment, because the onc says you're just sick and the gp says i don't know if the chemo is involved - i just call whoever i think can best fix it, and remain persistent until they do...

Good luck with things,

02-06-2007, 03:33 PM
Oncologists are different. Mine told me he considered himself my primary care doctor while I was taking chemotherapy. Does your doctor work in a cancer center?

02-06-2007, 03:39 PM
No, he comes to an Outpatient Clinic here at our hospital, once a week.

02-06-2007, 04:35 PM
It is hard to know when to call the Dr and then who to call. My onc deals only with chemo related issues and says call your GP. It might be good to get your GP involved so they know about your treatment.

Good luck. You are a quarter of the way through your chemo, with only 3 to go!

02-06-2007, 04:58 PM
Brenda-Do call your oncologist for that sort of thing-he/or/she should be taking care of that with a course of antibiotics. I always got an immediate or near immediate call back from the oncology nurses when something comes up during chemo........anything else would surprise me. Sincerely, Ceesun

02-06-2007, 06:00 PM
I had the same experience last week. After doing well almost the first two weeks after my first chemo, I came down with the most horrible sore throat last week. After braving it out for three days, I called my GP who prescribed an anti-biotic. I had my regular appt. with the oncologist about two hours later, so informed her about my sore throat and the prescription. They didn't seem too interested in the sore throat. However, for me, it was probably the worst week of my life in the past 30 years. I suspect it was just the beginnings of a normal cold (which I now have), and because my immune system was down, what is normally a one or two day pre-cold sore throad turned into one week. I was FLAT on my back from Tuesday-Sunday. Honestly, the mastectomy was easier than dealing with the sore throat. I encourage you to call either the GP or oncologist -- whoever will respond to you and get some treatment for the sore throat.

I had my second treatment today and so far, all is well. Sore throat is 95% gone and cold is very mild.

02-06-2007, 09:33 PM
I had stuffy nose before dx. AC and Herceptin gave me runny nose. I think that's an improvement.

At my onc's office we could leave messages for the onc nurses. I see no harm in doing that for advice. It's probably nothing, but you will feel better if you ask. If you ask nice they should understand and give you a suggestion as to what further action should be taken. BB

02-07-2007, 12:50 AM
Well, here I am, up at 2 am because my throat hurts and ear aches.
I'm calling the doctor tomorrow.

02-07-2007, 08:55 AM
Brenda, as the others have said it's really important not to let these small infections morph into BIG problems, which is a real concern when the immune system is suppressed from chemo. If you don't hear back by mid-day, call again and keep calling until you get in to see someone. You don't want to end up in the ER this weekend, which happened to me once (not due to unconcern by my onc but rather me not wanting to be a "squeaky wheel").

<3 Lolly

02-07-2007, 09:27 AM
I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. I hope it's something they can give me antibiotics for.
I need this to be gone by next Wed. That's chemo day #2.
Besides, it's making me feel crappy and I haven't been able to sleep or eat very well since Sat. Not that food tastes good, anyway.

02-07-2007, 12:34 PM
As I understand it, the concern is for bacterial infections, not so much viral infections. I had a cold and my doctor gave me A/C anyway. A sinus infection -- sore throat, ear ache -- could be bacterial, so I'm glad you have an appointment to see the doctor and maybe get some antibiotics. THere are good booklets about how to care for yourself during chemo. I hope your Oncologist gave you some booklets. If not, honestly, I'm concerned about the care you are getting. Maybe it's time to start being a squeaky wheel.

02-07-2007, 01:48 PM
The doctor I saw today (GP's assistant & nice lady) took a quick strep test, it was neg., and then took one they have to send in (better test). She doesn't think it's anything, but wants to cover the bases. She gave me a script for antibiotics, and said to let the Onco know I'd been treated.
If I'm getting better in 2 days, or if I feel worse, to call them right away.
I also have a canker sore. Blecch.

02-07-2007, 01:55 PM
Watch the canker sore, because A/C can cause painful mouth sores. I hope you were instructed to rinse your mouth several times a day with a solution of baking soda and water. A/C was the pits for me, but that was a year ago and I'm starting to feel well again.

02-07-2007, 02:28 PM
My onc and onc nurse told me to call with anything even if it seemed trivial to me. I had to call them after my 2,3 and 4 treatment due to problems and they were very kind and understanding. Call them. They are there to help you.