View Full Version : chemo and body aches

11-20-2006, 02:08 PM
Just a general question- I finished my chemo two weeks ago- 4 DD A/C and 12 weekly Taxols. I ache everywhere. About how long does it take for most of that to settle down? I know some people experience aches for a while, but I was just trying to get an idea. My mind is running away with me at times and I'm trying to keep things in perpective.

Thank you,

11-20-2006, 08:10 PM
Hi Kelly,
I had 4 rounds of AC (not DD), followed by 4 rounds of Taxol this summer (finished on Aug 22). The Taxol caused a lot of joint and muscle aches and pains, very intense. It probably took a good 3-4 weeks for the severe intensity to pass. Since then I still experience stiffness and achiness to some degree, almost daily. It seems to move from joint to joint & muscle to muscle. The neuropathy from the Taxol seemed to be better for awhile, then came back again. Every day is a new experience---but one I am happy to be around to have!
I just started my Herceptin last week, and am pleased to report it's been a much better experience than any of the chemo.
Hang in there.
Take care,

The Good Lord gave us mountains, so we could learn how to climb!

11-20-2006, 09:00 PM
I finished chemo in April, I still ache terribly. Some times it's worse than others. I have been swimming lately and that seems to help with the muscle aches some, keeps me loose. It takes a long time to feel like normal, I haven't reached that point yet and I will be a year from diagnosis in December...sherryg683

11-21-2006, 07:49 PM
I finished chemo Sept. 13th and started radiation Oct. 9th. (Will finish next Tues.) I had achiness in my hips & knees, that started right after chemo, then about 3 weeks ago, my wrists, shoulders & fingers started to hurt. The docs thought it was probably from being pushed into menopause & having estrogen levels plunge, but now for the last two weeks, my back has hurt. I thought maybe it was from my 40 minute daily drives & laying on the table for rads, but today my rad. onc. decided to order an MRI since it has lasted 2 weeks. I'm relieved that he ordered one, but yet I'm scared too. If it comes out clean, that will give me some peace of mind for the immediate future. I know it's no guarantee but it's a starting point to move forward. This disease is so horrible. I pray there is a day when no one has to go through what we have!!

11-22-2006, 09:28 AM
Thank you for your replies. I have a similar complaint list for aches. It seems to started with the joints during the chemo and now that I am finished my back really hurts and I have a lot of muscle aches. It is so hard to try and separate when to worry and when not to. I wonder if Hercptin ever causes muscle aches? I'll have to look at the "side effects of Herceptin" thread. Anyways thank you again.

Love, Kelly