View Full Version : madubois63 update 10-30-06

10-30-2006, 11:36 AM
So I guess it’s time to update you all on what’s been going on…Just a re-cap first….I flew up to Buffalo on October 16th. I spent that week at the Hope Lodge and getting checked from head to toe. I even had 3 teeth pulled - ugh. They said decay UNDER my fillings MAY cause infection after the transplant when my immune system is compromised. The many years of chemo caused the decay. This was all a surprise to me, but what was I going to say - no??? My sister, Dydee came up to Buffalo just in time to pick me up from the dentist. We went out to dinner and I munched lobster risotto on the left side. I even splurged on a glass of wine. The next morning, we had meeting with the doctor’s and support staff which brought things back in to perspective of why we were there…but then we headed over the boarder and saw the Falls - beautiful!!! We had a great time! The next morning, I went to the hospital to have my Hickman catheter replaced. The operating room was freezing. I was freezing and my teeth were chattering. After the surgery, they brought me up to a room and I had 102 fever. They decided I had an infection in my port-a-cath on the other side (I still think it was stress). They took me back down to surgery and pulled my port. The fever was gone within 2 hours, but the transplant was postponed a week. My sister went home, and I remained in the hospital until Monday. I packed my stuff up and went back to the Hope Lodge. I got a bigger better room this time around. Private bath. The doc requested it so I could remain healthy and not catch anything during my few days of freedom in Buffalo. Danny turned 17 this week, but I did not go home. I physically and financially could not swing it. I read a lot, walked a lot and visited Gilda’s Club (Gilda Radner from Saturday Night Live). This is another big old incredible mansion. There is a library of books to borrow and things to take. They have support, cooking , art and yoga classes. They even have “Noogieland” for the kids. You have to have been a fan of SNL to know the significance of a noogie. I read Gilda’s book this week. She really went through a lot. Anyway, Friday night, I got to meet Ursula (from another on-line support group) and her sister Judy! We had a great time! We took some pictures, and I think there is a ghost in the window of the Hope Lodge (just in time for Halloween). We had a lot of laughs!! Bright and early Saturday morning, I was admitted AGAIN. I didn’t get the big room, but I am waiting for someone in one of the big rooms to get healthy and leave. My new friend Elizabeth has a big room. She had her transplant 9 days ago and looks GREAT. We walk together around the nurses station (33 times is a mile). She had her tiara on yesterday - LOL. A man on the other side of the hall has named his IV pole Bert, Elizabeth’s pole is Cecilia and mine is now May (get it?). I hung a paper chain someone sent me on the pole. I take off a ring for every day I’m here. The smaller the chain gets, the closer I am to getting home. I missed the wheelchair race this morning. Someone forgot to call me. So now day 3 is nearly behind me. The transplant is scheduled for November 3rd (my new birthday). I am B+ blood type and I'll become an A+ because that is what my donor is (weird). If she has allegies, I will also have them (even stranger). My mom and sister will be here on the 2nd. I am doing my best to behave and not loose my grip on my sanity (the little I have) so early in the game…I guess that’s all for now. Thanks for all the love and prayers!!! You are all in my prayers….

10-30-2006, 11:46 AM

When your completely well, become a writer. You are amazing!

Prayers to you,

10-30-2006, 12:20 PM
Dear MaryAnn,
Coincidentally my best friend,named MaryAnn, had a autologous BMT for indolent B cell lymphoma (Stage iv) she is now 6 years out and her last check up at MDA was PERFECT! I am hoping the same for you...I think of you you often.



10-30-2006, 12:35 PM
Wow Great to hear from you. So awesome to think of updating everyone on your life while you're going through so much.

Hope eveything continues to move along and you can proceed home before too long!

10-30-2006, 12:41 PM
Not only is your writing amazing, but so are you! I hope everything goes easily and smoothly for you. Eric

10-30-2006, 01:11 PM
I have said it before but it is worth mentioning again, what an amazing woman you are. So strong and vigilent, so thoughtful in keeping us updated. Your writing is amazing and I agree that you should write a book when you have all of this behind you and you will have all of this behind you at some point. You are such an inspiration and role model to many. Your strength and fortitude is immeasurable. I am praying for the most optimum outcome. I never would have guessed that your blood type would change or that you could get allergies, etc because of the donor. Such interesting facts. Good luck and I look forward to hearing how well you are doing.

10-30-2006, 02:35 PM
It's so great to see your post. Thank you for keeping us updated. I am so proud of you! You are one tough cookie!!

Hugs and Prayers,

Barbara H.
10-30-2006, 02:41 PM
Maryanne, again thanks for keeping us updated. I have really been thinking about you. I agree with the others that you should write a book.
Best wishes,
Barbara H.

10-30-2006, 04:17 PM

Thanks for the update. I always enjoy reading your posts. Hope all goes well with the transplant. You're in my prayers.

10-30-2006, 05:18 PM
You are so beautiful inside and out MaryAnn! That sense of humor has carried you far and I KNOW it will continue to do so! Best, best wishes!

10-30-2006, 05:55 PM
Dear MaryAnn, I have taught writing, and I agree--you should write a book! Not just because of your amazing "adventures", but because of the incredible spirit that shines through all you write. I always look for your posts, and I am always amazed at what you are going through and how remarkably well you handle it all. You truly are an inspiration. We will all be thinking of you and praying for you in the days ahead, and looking forward to reading the next installments. With such an attitude and will power we expect you will come out on top no matter what. I hope you know how much you are admired and loved by your fellow amazons here on this website! Hugs, Tricia

10-30-2006, 06:04 PM
I agree with everyone else, you are amazing and you are my inspiration. Good luck with the transplant. Im sure you'll come out on top.

All my prayers

10-30-2006, 07:54 PM

Your spirit is beautiful and strong.

Love and healing prayers being sent your way.


10-30-2006, 08:06 PM
I am glad to hear that your spirits are high. I wish you all the best and will continue to pray for you and send positive thoughts your way. You are very courageous. I look forward to hearing about your good results.

10-30-2006, 09:15 PM
Didn't know that about the blood types. I'm B+ as well. MIL's name is Cecilia so she's there after all. Good Luck. Bev

10-30-2006, 09:28 PM
You continue to amaze and inspire me, here's to your new birthday and many more to come..sherryg683

10-30-2006, 09:32 PM
Thanks so much for keeping us updated! I know your courage and positive, good-spirits will carry you through. Keeping you in my thought and prayers.
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10-30-2006, 11:18 PM
You are the greatest. Be Strong and as everyone else says, you must become a writer after this adventure.

I love you Maryann,

10-31-2006, 12:02 AM
Dear MaryAnn,

Your spirit reminds me of the saying, When life deals you a lemon, make lemonade out of it. You are truly admirable, looking at life so such an amazing way. We all love and admire your vision of life, but deep in our heart, we hope you well and restore your health soon after the ordeal.


10-31-2006, 09:02 AM
MaryAnn..... I so hope you can FEEL the love and concern ( and high admiration ) from all who 'know you' on these boards. May that be with you in the quiet dark hours to help comfort you.

Should you inherit an allergy, may it be to HOUSEWORK and not chocolate or warm furry things :o)

Sending my own hope, love and good wishes,
with gentle warmest of hugs,
pattyz xoxoxo

karen raines hunt
10-31-2006, 09:56 AM
Dear MaryAnn,

I wish you the very best............you will be in my thoughts and prayers on your "new birthday."

Warmest regards,

10-31-2006, 11:33 AM
great to read the update - looking forward to reading the next one.
luck and love

11-02-2006, 05:24 AM

I continue to keep you in my prayers and will especially be thinking about you over the next few days.

Love, Hugs and Blessings.


11-03-2006, 08:25 AM

I will add my best wishes to this long list. Today should be the day and you are in my prayers.

Love and Peace, Carolyn

11-03-2006, 11:21 AM
Dear MaryAnn,
I am holding you close to my heart and hoping for a successful treatment.


Diane H
11-03-2006, 02:36 PM
Sending hugs and hope and healing.


tricia keegan
11-05-2006, 08:29 AM

You are one brave lady and I just admire you so much.
You're an inspiration truely and you deserve a sucessfull
op and quick recovery for your courage which is exactly
what I'm wishing for you.
Stay strong and know you are in our thoughts special lady.

11-06-2006, 12:14 PM

By now you should have had your transplant! I hope you are doing well. My prayers are with you sister.